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Fully 33% of CMOs have their eyes locked on brand strategy, according to Gartner. Why? Because in the battleground of markets, a well-defined brand isn't just nice to have; it's your armor.

And it's your defensive line. And the source of your offensive strength.

Your Brand Blueprint

Imagine this: You're the architect drafting a blueprint for the next iconic skyline.

This isn't just a facelift; it's a revolution of your brand's identity.

And the stakes? Sky-high.

You're not just modifying a logo; you're redefining your brand's soul in the marketplace.

What about rebranding? That's the holy trinity of three factors: bold vision, swift execution, and sharp strategy.

Nail your rebrand, and you're not just a hero; you're a legend.

Slip up? You risk severing the lifeline to your audience.

Harvard Business Review noted that a coherent brand can pump up revenue by 23% which makes the math simple.

A solid rebrand equals solid gold.

Here's the blueprint preview:

  • Groundwork is gold. Understand your brand's current standing. Dive deep into market trends and audience psyche.
  • Blueprint for brilliance. Map out your rebrand with the precision of a master architect. Every detail counts.
  • Construct with care. From the foundation of market research to the pillars of your new identity, build step by step.
  • Finishing touches matter. It's the subtle elements that often resonate the most. Don't overlook the small details that have enormous ROI.

Rebranding should be as daring as it is deliberate. Like drafting the master plan for a structure that'll dominate the skyline.

Every decision, from the overarching strategy to the smallest detail, must be bold, informed, and forward-thinking.

Your rebrand isn't just a new coat of paint; it's a signal to the world that your brand is ready to lead the charge into the future.

In the fast-paced world of brands, being edgy isn't just a choice; it's a necessity.

Make sure your blueprint is ready to turn heads, capture hearts, and carve out a space in the crowded marketplace of tomorrow.

The Branding Sequence With a View

Whether it's Madison Avenue or Rodeo Drive, branding comes first. Always.

Because branding isn't the cherry on top. It's the whole damn sundae.

And your audience is being slammed 24/7, from pre-roll messages to commercials, to texts and ads on every social platform one can name, to a tsunami of movie trailers.

Your biggest blind spot is when you skip (or shortcut) the proven sequences that will smooth out your campaigns and accelerate the adoption and acceptance of any pivots and shifts your brand makes, whether in a micro-campaign or a full-blown rebrand.

This sequence is exact:

  1. Branding first
  2. Marketing second
  3. Sales third

That's not a list of priorities, or what's most or least important.

It's simply the sequence one uses to lead, and empower, the next step a customer makes in their journey.

Millionaire and author Alex Hormozi, says you can't grow a big brand with direct response (in other words, branding precedes direct response, which is a specific form of marketing).

And Vaynermedia's Gary Vaynerchuk dug even deeper: "The difference between branding and sales is simple. Are you just trying to convert or are you trying to create an experience? The latter always wins."

That's the order: Branding > Marketing > Sales.

No exceptions.

Historic Missteps: Lessons From the Giants

Poor rebranding efforts can tank even the titans of industry. Coca-Cola to New Coke, Weight Watchers to WW, Facebook to Meta? They've all taken hits.

  • New Coke? A disaster. A costly one.
  • WW? Weight Watchers went from a household name to "Who?!" overnight.
  • Facebook to Meta? More like a face-plant.

Coca-Cola's venturing into New Coke territory, WW's (formerly Weight Watchers) rebranding debacle, and Facebook's ambitious pivot to Meta illustrate the perilous journey of rebranding without first having a clear, compelling narrative or by failing to anticipate public reception.

Each giant had its own "reasons" that drove it to do a pivot or overhaul of its brand.

Their failures underline the critical importance of aligning rebranding efforts with customer expectations and the marketplace reality.

And they spell out the importance of having a blueprint to help navigate the brand terrain.

The Five-Part Formula for B2B Marketers and Rebranding Success

Used with the following two laws, the brand formula will take hold faster because it will get everyone internally on the same page while not getting so mired into the weeds that you overlook the audience you're seeking to connect with:

  • Law 1: Markets evolve. So must your brand.
  • Law 2: Connecting beats selling. Forge emotional ties, not just transactions.

And here are the five points every rebrand must know inside-out. Knowing these will help you sidestep the pitfalls that have ensnared even the most seasoned brands.

  1. Survey the market landscape. Your brand doesn't live in boardrooms; it thrives in the marketplace. That's why external insights are invaluable, and the most important vantage point is looking at your brand against the existing noise in the marketplace.
  2. Banish cliches. Clichés are the antithesis of originality. Clichés convey that lack of originality, which makes any brand appear like a copycat. Copycat brands lack authority and more often compete for the remaining breadcrumbs of business based on price, the weakest position for any brand to occupy. Scrutinize your industry for overused tropes and eliminate them from your narrative.
  3. Embrace authenticity. Your brand is built on human connections. Communicate as you would with a neighbor, a friend, a spouse. People are people, with likes, dislikes, and values. People are not demographics, they're neighbors, spouses, our neighborhood barista—not a corporate entity or label.
  4. Purposeful design. Design should serve to differentiate, not just decorate. It's about capturing attention in a world filled with distractions. Design is the multiplier that amplifies your brand differentiation.
  5. Champion differentiation. In the branding arena, being different trumps being better. Differentiation is the lifeline for brands facing an identity crisis in evolving markets.

Time to Go to Market

Rebranding in 2024 is not an option. It's the pathway—when done according to what's outlined in this article—to increased relevance, greater loyalty, and increased market share.

Rebranding is a bold move, but a necessary one in a world that refuses to stand still.

And bold does not mean risky. Risky is "doing what we've always done" because a company is scared to shift.

Embrace the change. Be fearless.

In a world where everyone zigs, it's time to zag.

And when it's done right, rebranding will streamline your market position and breathe new life into your brand.

More Resources on Rebranding

Nine Rebranding Myths and Misconceptions Debunked

Rebranding: Five Steps to Building a Story of Evolution and Growth

Anatomy of a Rebrand (Part 1 of 3): Should You Dump Your Brand Equity?

The Business Case for Rebranding: Nine Essential Elements

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image of David Brier

David Brier is a rebranding expert and the bestselling author of Brand Intervention. His rebrands have generated $7+ billion worldwide.

LinkedIn: David Brier

Twitter/X: @davidbrier