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Foundational ABM Building Blocks


Follow these seven steps to consistently attract and convert more customers by building an automated marketing funnel.

"Before you do anything else, get really specific on your solution and the audience it's for," suggests ELIV8 in the following infographic. "Otherwise, you're doomed to fail before you even begin."

The next step is to choose your traffic source, such as paid ads, SEO, content marketing, social media, email marketing, and local search.

The third step is to "create a highly specific, irresistible offer that you can give to people in exchange for their contact information," states Eliv8. "Lead magnets are usually offered on landing pages that are optimized to convert even cold traffic."

To find out the next steps in about building an automated marketing funnel, tap or click on the infographic.

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How to Build a High-Converting Marketing Funnel [Infographic]

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image of Verónica Jarski

Veronica Jarski is managing editor at Agorapulse and a former editor and senior writer at MarketingProfs.

Twitter: @Veronica_Jarski

LinkedIn: Veronica Jarski