What better people to advise on how to use LinkedIn for marketing than the folks who live and breathe the tool: the business solutions team at LinkedIn.

They've put together an infographic about how LinkedIn uses LinkedIn. The information speaks specifically about three tools marketers can use and how LinkedIn has benefited from each:

Testing Sponsored Content posts: LinkedIn A/B-tested a sponsored-content post with one version that included a statistic and one that did not. The post with the statistic had a 37% higher clickthrough rate and received 162% more impressions than the one without the stat.

Personalizing Sponsored InMail: Using a dynamic macro to pull a member's name into the greeting, LinkedIn sent personal InMail messages to raise awareness about a blog and received 1,240 blog subscriptions (6% of total conversions).

Increasing conversions with insider campaign tips: When LinkedIn addressed its audience directly vs. indirectly, the engagement rate with the message was 185% higher.

To see more about how LinkedIn uses LinkedIn, click on the image to see the full infographic:

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How LinkedIn Uses LinkedIn for Marketing: The Secret Sauce [Infographic]

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image of Laura Forer

Laura Forer is a freelance writer, email and content strategist, and crossword puzzle enthusiast. She's an assistant editor at MarketingProfs, where she manages infographic submissions, among other things.