
Topic: Research/Metrics

Email Survey Response Rates

Posted by jtile on 25 Points
We have just sent out our first B2B customer service survey and the response rate is sitting at around 10% 2 weeks later.

I am interested to hear what others have experienced as an average or good response rate.

I believe the survey was the right length with well phrased questions.

Look forward to your responses.
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  • Posted by Neil on Accepted
    That is not too bad a response rate but did you offer any incentive?

    A couple of years ago we sent a survey to our customers but we did an A/B split test.

    1. Half the list, each person who completed the survey received a small Amazon gift certificate.

    2. The other half, each person who completed the survey was entered into a drawing for an Ipod.

    I don't recall which incentive did better but just offering an incentive can make a difference in response rates...
  • Posted by jtile on Author
    Agreed, I think we will add an incentive the next time we do this.

    Even something small, should improve the response rates, hopefully, without creating false responses (people only answering to get the incentive).
  • Posted on Accepted
    That is a really good response rate. You can increase response rates by offering an incentive and/or alos placing phone calls to people or sending direct mail as well. But that gets expensive. Also think about including links to the survey in other customer communications (like on your website, in the prioduct itself, etc.)
  • Posted by jtile on Author
    Thank you to everyone for your responses.

    From the online research I have done, our response rate is average.

    We will add an incentive next time around and see if what changes with the response.

    Thank you again.

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