
Topic: Strategy

Nonprofit Development Plan Template

Posted by jsdevore on 250 Points
I am looking to create a development plan for a private elementary/middle school. The school currently has a marketing plan in place, but does not have a Development Plan to guide them in implementing future annual giving, capital giving, and planned giving efforts or address any communication with alumni. I am hoping to find a template that I can customize to fit the school's goals and objectives.

Thanks for your assistance!
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
  • Posted on Member
    I would strongly recommend any of the books by Hank Rosso. He is still considered one of the best when it comes to putting together a development plan.

    Good Luck!

  • Posted by jsdevore on Author
    Thanks for your suggestions, especially in regard to the book. I have actually been thinking of purchasing "Nonprofit Essentials: The Development Plan" to use as a resource. However, I was looking at this point for a free outline that simply indicates the elements/topics that are usually included in a Development Plan for a nonprofit. For example:

    I. Introduction
    II. Mission
    III. Situation Analysis
    IV. Fundraising Efforts
    A. Annual Giving
    B. Capital Giving
    C. Planned Giving campaigns

    Obviously, I'm just making up these categories, but I'm hoping to find an outline of what would typically be included in a Development Plan. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
  • Posted on Accepted
    So I (we) have a better feel, are you a member of a npo and helping them get up in running so you want to provide a step-by-step process? Are you going to get into fund development for a npo? I guess I am trying to determine the audience for your plan. Is this a published proposal you're working on to help them see what needs to be done or something you're going to verbally share with a board?

    One of the most important thing you'll have to develop (or the organization will have to develop) is your case statement detailing why anyone would give. Also methods for identifying your donors, development of relationships with donors, methods of solicitation, budgets, recognition for gifts, grants (private, governmental), fund accounting, etc. And you should add another method of fund development - events.

    Although I have been in development for some time, I'll have to think about templates. You might find it as the chapter titles in a Rosso book.

    Just for fun I googled fundraising template and actually this site looks like it has some pertinent information to help you get going.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by jsdevore on Author
    Thanks for your informative e-mail. I am responsible for fund development for a private school. I will be putting together a published plan that I will present to our administration and school council.

    I found the link that you provided as well after I posted my initial message; it is the best site that I have found in terms of my needs. It doesn't provide a template, per say, but it does provide a good bit of information.

    Based on your input, it sounds like I should include the following sections:

    Case Statement
    Methods of Fund Development
    - Annual Giving
    - Special Events
    - Capital Giving
    - Planned Giving
    - Alumni Program
    - Business Development Program
    - Grants (private, governmental)
    Methods for identifying donors
    Development of relationships with donors
    Recognition gifts
    Fund accounting

    Please let me know if I have left anything of importance off the list.

    Thanks again,


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