
Topic: Strategy

Johnson & Johnson's Branding Strategy?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I'm really confused as to what their branding strategy? Can someone please explain it to me? Is it multi-branding?
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  • Posted by Markitek on Accepted
    Well to begin with SC Johnson not Johnson and Johnson is "the family company."

    They are a true brand company: like Lever Bros and P&C and Unilever and, yes, SC Johnson, they package multiple products in multiple categories . Here, unlike say Ford or Microsoft, it's the brand name not the corporate name that is the focus. In this case, they don't offer competing brands into the same market (as P&G does) hoping to capture multiple segments.

    Strategically they want you to think about the product not the company: when you cut your finger you want a Band Aid, not a bandage. When your breath smells you want Listerine, not a mouthwash.

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