
Topic: Strategy

Brand Positioning

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Dear all, we are one of the biggest shipment company with 9600 employees and more then 700 points all around Turkey. 2 months ago we bought another shipment company.Both companies have same services and serve the same sectors.Now we are looking for a new approach for the positioning of two company. How can we start?
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    I'm confused, are you:

    1) Integrating the two companies into one, so you will be operating under one name? or are you

    2) Still operating and will continue to operate the company you bought as a separate company #2?

    3) Or something completely different?

    Any other more specific information will help us all out a lot.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I agree with everyone! There are several corporations that own different brands of the same or similar product, (i.e. Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Pampers, RJ Renoylds, Microsoft, the US Government, Coremark, etc).

    There MUST have been something to build a customer base at these other businesses and I would be very cautious about destroying such. Just because you are bigger, doesn't mean people will think you are better. If the companies you bought have a loyal customer base, find out why, and consider operating under the current brands to maintain clientele.

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