
Topic: Other

Find A Marketing Professional To Sell Golf Patents

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have U.S. Patents for hi-tek golf training devices, but I'm not in the marketing business. I hired a marketing consultant who said he would find a major golf reated company that would promise a 10%-12% royalty and yearly sales of $10,000,000 or more. Based on competing products that have sold on the Golf Channel that seemed reasonable. His contract expired without results.
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Escodesign,

    You need to post this on the "Hire an Expert" board here, look in the right-hand column and follow the links to see how to do this.

    If you don't want to take this approach, I can help you out, one of my partners was on the Nike Tour for many years and has turned these contacts and knowledge into a nice golf industry marketing business - he knows the industry very, very well.

    Contact me by clicking on my name.
  • Posted on Accepted
    If you need help in Europe, a friend of mine has a great marketing service agency and he is a total golf nut.

    As another avenue, it sounds like what you need is what this fellow did. If I remember the story right, he started with nothing but a had a good idea, then worked it into a nice little business. You can look it up at:

    You might contact him and see if he has business fund finder/biz dev service provider you could hire.

    Who knows, maybe he would like to license your inventions. Good luck. Be real interested in knowing if you are successful landing your big fish!

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Go to www.replocate and post this as an opportunity. There are a lot of good rep companies listed there also.

    Hopefully you didn't pay anything to your last marketing consultant.


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