
Topic: Strategy

What Is Optimal Sales Support Nowadays?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
What are the most important issues in effective sales support today from a marketing perspective? Quality improvements? Team coordination? Cost reduction? How does a marketing team best reach out and enable sales professionals?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    It kind of depends on what you're selling, to whom, and what expectations you've already set, doesn't it?

    I can't imagine that the answer would be the same for an insurance company, a healthcare provider, an oil company, a food processor, and a retail clothing store. And it's probably different in the US compared to Asia or Africa (or Europe, South America, or Australia, etc.).

    Why don't you tell us what problem you're trying to solve, and perhaps we can give you some useful answers.

    If this is for an academic paper, you'll probably have to narrow the topic to just certain industries/markets. The question you've asked is way too broad for us to be able to give you good responses in just a few hundred words.
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    When I am discussing the role of marketing, I normally simplify it into two categories:
    • Provide the tools to sales so they can sell the product

    • Sell management on the ideas for new markets, customers, products, etc in which the company should invest

    Under the category of sales tools, this includes the following:
    • Targeting

    • What markets and segments do they target?

    • Which customers do they target? This is not necessarily the biggest. Many times influencer customers exist within a market segment and if you land them, the larger, more conservative customers will buy into your solution

    • What are the customer needs?

    • What are the competitor strengths and weaknesses? How well do they satisfy the customer needs?

    • What is your core competency, competitive edge, unique selling points, value proposition, and how do you satisfy the customers' needs better than the competition?

    • Tools and Training

    • Put together training aids for the sales team to help them understand this material - like sales points, competitive analysis tables, and training presentations.

    • Package all this information into sales tools like brochures and sales presentations for the sales team to use with customers

    • Selling Management on Ideas

    • New ideas consists of products, services, markets, customers, market campaigns - basically any idea that requires investment and has a viable return.

    • This helps sales because it provides them more and more competitive edge

    I believe these are the best actions marketing can take to support sales today.

    I hope this helps.


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