
Topic: Strategy

How Can I Best Complete Competitive Analysis In A B2b Service Company?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am helping a small visual effects company create a marketing plan and am struggling with the competitive analysis. I am not extremely knowledgeable in the industry and have learned what I can from their websites and "googling" their name and reading any links. How can I learn more about their specific services and what differentiates them? Should I speak directly with other companies or with their customers? I am looking for any suggestions! Thanks!
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Member
    Hi resork:

    Harvard Business School Professor Michael Porter is the undisputed guru of competitive strategy. In his book of the same name Porter identifies five forces that drive competition within an industry:

    The threat of entry by new competitors.
    The intensity of rivalry among existing competitors.
    Pressure from substitute products.
    The bargaining power of buyers.
    The bargaining power of suppliers.

    One obvious application of all this is to would-be entrants and the problem of entering new markets.

    Another is to the current competitors and the ongoing task of staying competitive in markets where they already operate.

    Perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is the inverse relationship between profit margins or returns and the intensity of competition: as the intensity of competition goes up, margins and returns are driven down. This can require changes in competitive strategy to remain in an industry and, under some circumstances, it can occasion the decision to exit a business or an industry.

    There is so much information available on Porter and his
    work on competitive strategy that if you Google this you will be kept busy for a long time, so I will leave that to you.

    Recognition of the classic nature of Competitive Strategy is not tantamount to saying that it is the only book one need ever read in order to understand developments in business strategy. Indeed, it would be foolish to ignore the innovative ideas and research that have been developed in the field since the publication of the book - but it is safe to say that one's education in management thinking and business strategy would be sadly incomplete without having read it.

    I hope that helps!
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    All the above is great.

    But also have a look at how they are developing business right now.

    Look for clues that indicate what is stopping them from winning business they want.

    What is it they offer, and what customer need does it fulfil? How does this differ from REAL customer needs?

    You need a firm position fix on "Where are we now?", as well as "Where do we want to go?", before you can figure out the answers to "How are we going to get there?".

    Good Luck

    Chris B
  • Posted by jcmedinave on Accepted
    Other alternatives to increase the competence knowledge:

    - Go to your competitors business and be customer of them, ask questions to the rep of service, by their products, sign in for receiving periodical news, be in permanent contact.

    - What will be happen if my Company disappear? Which Company will be take our customers? Do the same exercise for each competitor.

    - Go to the suppliers (technology, ...), maybe you will have the chance to anticipate the competitors movements.

    Of course, the primary source should be the customer.


    Juan Carlos

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