
Topic: Strategy

Need Help Figuring Out How To Reach Target Market

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am working on a new Groups site that plans to offer a better user experience for members and more support and rewards than sites like Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, MSN Groups and MySpace.

In addition to going after existing Groups owners, one of my strategies is to find efficient and effective ways to reach the owners of offline groups and try to bring them online. These would include trade associations, alumni associations, sports teams, investment clubs, book clubs, religious organizations, charitable organizations, product user groups, support groups, condo associations, civic organizations, etc.

I would be interested in any suggestions people have for targeting these groups either offline or online. Efficiency is important so understanding places where group owners gather would be really beneficial. Feel free to get creative here.

Thanks in advance for the help.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi dwoodrow -

    Three suggestions for you:

    1) Try working with chambers of commerce. Not only can you use these organizations as groups, but you can also tap into the groups of which the chamber members belong.

    2) Use This is a website that is a directory of blogs and you may be able to find out what groups blog owners belong to by looking at their websites and targeting those.

    3) Another idea is to go after individual school PTAs, as they may be offline only. Try and see if you can get some ideas on how to contact those groups.

    Good luck! Hope this helps,
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    I am an owner of 1 yahoo group and 2 google groups.

    I am currently looking for a new service for my yahoo group to change to a new group. Do you need a beta tester (1000 members) with about 100 to 200 messages a day? :P

    We are moving from the yahoo group because our old group was hacked and deleted by a member i banned for advertising. Yahoo would not restore our group from there back ups because they would not admit that there systems are VERY easily hacked and by passed. I made a manual back up of the address a week before read cut and past every address into an excl file.

    We would move to google groups but they dont have file storage like yahoo. Google does not allow exe attachments either (it is a software development group, so we send a lot of betas software).
  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    This is a link to association executives. It'll take some work but I believe you'll get all the contact info you need here.

  • Posted on Accepted
    I would use Linkedin ( to push your message out, plus it is a great networking tool.

    I agree with the Chamber of Commerce as being a good place to start.

    Another good source is career groups (job seekers) at churches.

    Good luck!

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