
Topic: Strategy


Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Obviously it is clear that the answer to my question I am about to ask depends on the customers I am targeting, but I was wondering if calling restaurant owners during this Holiday season to get names for the decision maker to send them out brochures, if it is a bad idea, are they that busy to speak to for just 2 minutes?
Is it a waste of time to call or am I wasting time by not calling? would it be better effort spent if I just waited till the beginning of the New Year?
Much appreciated for your opinions
Many thanks

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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    It would seem to me that the time of day would generally be more important than the time of year... I would certainly avoid calling during the lunch and dinner hours.

    Are people "too busy" for a 2 minute call? Not neccessarily... not if it is an innovative solution which will help them, not if it truly is a 2 minute call (try using a stopwatch).

    I wasn't clear from your question whether you intended to send a brochure in advance or as follow-up to the first conversation with the decision maker. If it were me (and I don't know the product or service you are offering and so I'm shooting in the dark) I would consider sending a postcard or something inexpensive once you have verified the contact name and address, in advance of your conversation, and save the brochure to follow up discussions and interest.
  • Posted on Author
    thank you telemoxie your responce was very helpful, yep it makes more sense to send out brochures after the speaking with them, I was going to speak to the decision maker first before sending them out.
    Once thank again you, have a good new year!

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