
Topic: Other

Hi From Suze / Littlewhacky

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I thought I should check in and say HI, as I haven't been participating for some time and I feel VERY guilty.

However I do have an excuse (see here: )

I promise, I will be back soon. I've had some deadlines to meet which were a little tricky in the circumstances - e.g. a book manuscript which I was contracted to deliver before I was diagnosed with cancer - but I've achieved those despite dealing with surgery/chemotherapy and, hey, I'm still stompin' on through!

With all good wishes for 2006 to you all and believe me, I'll see you SOON

SUZE aka LittleWhacky

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hey SUZE/Littlewhacky,

    Happy New Year to you with much love. I've come across your email address in my outlook and thought of emailing you but didn't. Now I feel like I could kick myself because I missed my que. But it's so good to hear you're hanging in there and kickin' cancer back in the butt. I've got an old High School friend Angela Penick who has been dealing with cancer adversities for nearly 15 years and she's doing great. My cousin has also been doing battle and I'm going to tell both of them to check out your blog and chime in.

    Your blog is very funny and thought provoking. I'm so glad to hear you are working to keep yourself on the upper end of this emotionally. Know that we love you and now that I know you've been blogging I'll peep in every now and then. Of course I'll send you an email. By the way Suze do you know anything about promoting children's books or do you know anyone you can introduce me too? Thanks for all you do and glad to hear you're

    "keeping your head when all around you others are losing theirs and blaming it on you" Rudyard Kipling.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    So sorry to hear about your diagnosis and all my very best wishes that you get well soon.

    If your attitude and humour have any bearing, you should have this thing licked fair and square.

    I visited your blog and I love the medication list and the puppy-prep logs. As a Dalmatian owner I fully empathise. What we go though for our pets! But don't they help us through those near-unbearable times, without really understanding what is wrong with us, and don't they help us feel better so much more quickly?

    Speedy recovery...


  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Hi Suze

    I’ve just added your blog to my favourites list – the new pharmaceuticals you came up with are a delight as it the rest of your writing.

    It’s uplifting and inspirational, putting our own day-to-day worries into an entirely different (And correct) perspective. My wife was diagnosed with cancer nearly three years ago and is doing well – a situation which we pray will continue.

    I’m going to show her your posting and your blog because the thing that is most missing in our lives is our sense of humour and you offer a shining example of how it can be retrieved and turned to fight the illness – as well as transforming family life.

    What a lovely thing to read to start off the day!


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