
Topic: Strategy

Stop Signs On Packaging

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Our company experiences a high return rate on a particular retail product we sell at major home centers nationwide. This product has specific electrical requirements the DIY/enduser needs to know BEFORE they buy. It's been suggested that we draw attention to these requirements by using a stop sign on our packaging (as well as include information on the take away materials).

Our marketing department feels strongly that we will not reduce the number of returns by adding a stop sign to the packaging. Additionally, our group feels that a stop sign in general may turn away potential customers.

This is a big dilemma. It's marketing's job to create interest in and help sell the product, while at the same time we need to educate the consumer about the electrical requirements.

My main question is regarding usage of a Stop Sign on a retail package to get one's attention and not scare them away.

Any thoughts?
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  • Posted on Member
    Use the STOP SIGN as positive and extra feature for the clients. Add a positive message that you ALWAYS CARE about the customer. People will be more happy that at least you think about them.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    You know those books that claim to be written for the ignorant? The Idiot's Guide to Brain Surgery or Quantum Physics for Big Dummies, for example.

    Maybe you can twist that concept for your packaging. I can visualize a cartoon shopper holding your two products and looking frazzled... put the image with the kind of clear instructions/guidelines that Jim D suggested. Call it "Shopping Guide for the Electrically Challenged" or something along those lines.

    I agree with Mbarber that you've got a splendiferous opportunity to build trust with your customer here.


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