
Topic: Strategy

Board Game Competition For Apprentice Positions

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

I just read about a game called "Cash flow 101". For those of you who aren't familiar with it, its a game akin to Monopoly but whose main aim is to teach people how to be financially prudent.

I thought that running a university "Cash flow 101" competition in our local universities for final year students would be a good idea with the winner in each university(about twenty of them) earning an internship with prominent companies.

I have quite a few ideas on how to sell the idea to a few multinationals but would like to hear your ideas also.

I think the motivation is already there for the students but any pointers on how to appeal to them would also be appreciated.
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Sounds like a plan, but...

    1. Why limit it to final year students? Wouldn't they be totally preoccupied with studying for the final grades?

    2. The prize sounds fine in theory but students may have no affinity with the firm or business offering the internship. Could end up being a marriage made in, well, not heaven...

    3. Would you be better off getting a slew of big companies to each kick in a nominal amount of money to create a bigger pot for the winner? Win at Cash Flow 101 - win the cash! (You've proven you can manage, you know you deserve it)

    4. The companies get advertised in all the promo materials and get access/interview rights, say with all finalists. Then, if there's career synergy, any number of internships might be offered, not just the one.

    Just a few ideas, hope it's helpful.

  • Posted on Author
    My opinion was that final year students are more concerned about their career prospects than say sophomores(if my experience is anything to go by) and hence would have more motivation to give their all during their internship and in the process create a good legacy for 'cash flow 101' However I see where you are coming from.

    I guess the kind of student to target would be largely determined by the needs of the firms offering the Internships.

    I fully agree with your three other points. I especially like the third point.I hadn't thought about it.

    Thanks Mate.
  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Accepted
    Please DONT do what most companies do and show up during exam time with this offer, have it near the beginning of the semester, or just after mid semester exams.

  • Posted on Accepted
    These are all very wonderful ideas!

    The Cashflow 101 game is owned the Rich Dad Corporation, a leader in financial literacy & education. You may want to check out their website at

    as they offer educational programs, training, and community forums that explore these types of ideas.

    It's a great game!! Have fun!!

    Best Regards,


    Jennifer Lueck
    Marketing M.O.
  • Posted on Author
    No Firefox, I promise I will get my timing spot-on.

    Yes Jennifer, I am out to enjoy every minute of the experience.

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