
Topic: Research/Metrics

Key Marketing Metrics/accountability Events

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm currently trying to identify key events in the area of marketing metrics, accountability & marketing performance measurement. Can you please recommend key events in the above areas and provide information & insight on your recommendations? Any key organizations I should be looking into? Thanks!
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    For e-metrics, Jim Sterne holds a very popular "EMetrics Summit" throughout the year - book early:

    Guy Powell is also very good and popular:

    If you are interested in search engine marketing, this is for you:

    I hope these help.
  • Posted on Member
    I guess it depends on what you are trying to measure. ROI is great for many things if you have the right information for input (lead-to-sales conversion rates, average order size, # of leads generated, total cost of initiative, etc.). Executives only care about the bottom line and in order for Marketing to justify themselves, ROI is the language executives speak.

    Of course market share, new products as a % of sales and revenue are all good.

    There are many e-marketing metrics, but once again if your audience is executives you better tie it to the bottom line as best you can.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    It's not clear from your question whether you're looking for "events" to attend (i.e. conferences and the like) or "events" that have happened (i.e. notable milestones in the development of marketing metrics)... or both, of course!

    However, here's some thoughts. First, don't just stick to financial measures; for example explore the "balanced scorecard" concept (take a look at if you're not familiar with it) and their main site at has news of forthcoming conferences, seminars etc.

    Second, visit for a load of information on various marketing metric ideas.

    Hope these thoughts help.

    Good luck,
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    OK if you're "definitely looking more into metrics and measures that relate to the bottom line" then you're really going to have to get precise about what your strategy is and what you expect it to do for you.

    Then ask yourself "How can I measure this"?

    If you cannot see how to measure a strategy or tactic, it probably isn't clearly defined.

    Bob Hogg has made a brilliant suggestion. Balanced Scorecard. Map your Marketing Strategy, monitor your map, and you will soon see what is working, and what is not.

    If you need further help please feel free to ask, as this is my speciality area of practise.

    Good Luck.


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