
Topic: Strategy

How Do I Write A Great Presentation?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Can anyone supply me with a link to, or a document outlining the main points to cover in a written presentation/submission. I am making a written presentation to a company with a view to a joint venture between our companies. I want to ensure I don't miss any important info about us and opportunities for them. Is there is list of 'tick off' points I should cover. Thanks for your help.
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  • Posted on Member
    It sounds like you want to do things 1) make a great sales pitch, 2) put it in the format of a great presentation.
    (If I'm assuming wrong, please forgive my assumption.)

    Here's a link to steps of a good sales pitch
    < class="resplink" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">>
    You can also google how to write sales pitches for other hints.

    For advice on how to make a good presentation, you can look in the books "Salesdogs" by Blair Singer, or "how to make it big in consulting" (don't remember the author). They both have great sections on how to put together interesting, compelling presentations.
  • Posted on Member
    Sorry, was trying to not put in livelinks, but failed miserably.
    here's the working link:
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I like the advice given above. But, I wanted to add my 2 cents worth to the mix.
    Here is the process that I use:
    Section One
    What am I going to say? Why is this important? First Paragraph is very important. (and carefully crafted)
    Section Two
    If the details need lots of back up.. I suggest addendum attached ... spread sheets, case studies, etc
    Section Three
    Respond to anticipated issues.. I like to head them off at the pass before the reader turns them into objections
    Section Four
    Short Recap of what I just wrote
    Section Five
    Suggested Plans of action

    My totally unscientific way of doing all this is...
    1) outline in briefest of ways
    2) sit down and type as fast as I can without concern for grammar, spelling, and other distractions
    3) polish #2
    4) proof read #3
    5) ask someone else to read it back to me out loud
    if they stumble or stammer as they read, you need to redo to make smooth
    6) the end

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