
Topic: Strategy

Communication Strategy!!!!

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
Hello everyone,
I have an assignment to do, marketing communication plan, for a new Renault car (direct competition to Mercedes Smart car priced at £1000 less then Smart car), and I am a little confused as to what to include in my plan and how to structure it.
First, what is the relevance of SWOT and STEP analysis for marketing communication plans? Should I include them? My thinking is that these must have been undertaken before decision to launch this car was made, and SWOT and STEP factors must have already been taken into account? Am I right?
The other questions relates to communication models, DOGMAR, AIDA and L&S. I understand these are all used for different communication strategies (depending on whether communication is done through print advertising, TV or campaign advertising). But what are these models useful for? Do they come under communication objectives (to raise awareness etc.) or are they part of the strategy (the way to achieve what ever the objective might be is through raising of the awareness and etc.) Could You please clarify these?
Thank You so much!
Should you be willing to share with me some lucid communication plan details (structure, what comes first, what comes second and etc. and just about anything there is) please do. It will be highly appriciated.
Thanking You all kindly...
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  • Posted by wnelson on Accepted

    Yes, SWOT and STEP (PEST, or PESTEL) should have already been completed and shouldn't be a part of your MARCOM plan. Their findings and the strategies that came out of this would be useful for your plan because you should know who are are trying to reach, what affects them emotionally - words, images, etc - how to reach them, etc. At minimum, if you can't get a copy of the strategic plan with this kind of analysis, you need a position statement to guide you.

    DAGMAR (not DOGMAR) is a philosophy more than anything else. It's an acronym for Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results - meaning define goals and measure them so you know where you want to go and if you are getting closer with respect to your advertising. AIDA is kind of universal also: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. This means that good job advertisements must first attract attention (from appropriate job-seekers); attract relevant interest (by establishing relevance in the minds of the target audience); create desire (to purchase the product), and finally provide a clear instruction for the next action or response. L&S - you got me! I am not familiar with it and can't find it.

    For a marketing Communications plan, the following template may prove useful to you in organizing your efforts:

    Communications Plan

    Executive Summary
    Summary of expected results, major initiatives, timing, and cost. A paragraph and bullets or a table.

    History and Lessons Learned
    Previous year’s expected results, major initiatives, actual results, and learning. Two paragraphs and a table or bullets

    Major Research and Findings
    A paragraph per research area. Pick from the following sources:
    • your corporate mission statement

    • A communication audit (that is, review of all materials currently being used)

    • Customer surveys and focus groups

    • Input from advisers and consultants

    • Discussions with employees and other department heads

    • (
    • Other research – articles, ads, etc

    Describe in one paragraph who the target audience is, their motivators, demographics, and what media influences they subscribe/listen/read to. For each major element, a short explanation – two to three sentences – description, objective, resources needed (dollars and people). Then include a plan table with WHAT (what is the task), WHO (who is responsible for doing it), and WHEN (when do you expect it completed)
    One paragraph summarizing the budget and two tables with dollars budget and people budget

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by Corpcommer on Member
    Hi, Emi!

    Besides the good information that Wayde gave you, note that this Forum's website has loads of great stuff in the Resource Library (especially marketing tools and articles). Search through it if you haven't already.

    Also, for additional help here's a link to a directory I created for easy access from one page to some of the best business and consumer resources I discovered during research. Check out the headings: Business, General Info. and Government. Be sure to look at the Management Library under "Business", as well as the SBA site. Marketing and business content galore!

    Good luck to you.

    MC - Corpcommer
  • Posted by bobhogg on Accepted

    I had just responded to a client about sources of information on a communications strategy, when I logged on to KHE and read your question!

    Here's the two (UK) sources I sent to my client - hope you find them of use too.

    The first is from an organisation called the Media Trust:

    and here's a link to an article on the Chartered Institute of Marketing site that might also be of use:

    Good luck,

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