
Topic: Other

Who's On Skype On Khe And Would Like To Talk?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hi Everyone

I just came off my Skype phone talking to my good friend Randall!

I wondered if any members are on Skype and would like to contact other members on the KHE forum via Skype?

Chime in and leave us your contact Skype name.

For people without a Skype name and software here's a link I was given:

Let's get in touch and talk!

Speak soon

Zahid Adil
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    it's cool to see you're hyped
    on skype.

    I've been hyped on skype
    since Michele turned
    me on to skype over nearly a year and a half ago. Keep on skyping. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Zahid,

    Skype is great, I've also used it with other forum members.

    I recommend not only Skype to Skype but also SkypeOut where for 2 cents a minute you can talk Skype-to-phone anywhere in the world.

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I've been using Skype, but mostly just Skype Out (which allows you to connect to real phone numbers, where the free Skype service has to be used between Skype users only). I mostly use this when I am in Asia and calling back to the States, but have had times where I found it cheaper to call other countries with it than with one of my land line or mobile phones.

    2 Skype 'questions', so I got to use the same response for both...
  • Posted by bijlani.ritesh on Accepted
    Hey friends,

    Nice to see that all of us are forming a rocking skype Skype contact name is riteshb1986.

    Waiting for all of you to get in touch to talk and rock.


    Ritesh Bijlani.

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