
Topic: Strategy

Create Associations In Customers Minds

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
please help me in finding the best communication strategy to create a clear association in peoples' mind. What exactly do I mean:
- we are a telecom company and want to be associated on the market as the music provider - we bring entertainment, music, fun into peoples' life.
- how we do this? - through a series of many concerts with intl and local artists over the whole country
target - everybody, clients and prospects. it is more a brand image campaign, building the brand equity of the brand, sustaining the philosophy of the rand
Question - how would you comunicate this concert series? We have to chose between two approaches:
1. find an umbrella message for the entire campaign - under which, for each concert, communicate each artist. The TV execution would be would end with a 10 tag for each artist
2. communicate sepparately for each concert, create TV executions for each concert, talking more specifically with the fans of those artists.

What do you think would work best or what other thoughts do you have on this matter?
Your recommandation will be much appreciated.
thank you
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Unless you have an unlimited budget you will find it much more cost effective to put together an umbrella template with room for the concert message at the end.

    Another reason why I like this format is: once you become noted as the music provider, people will pay more attention to your entire ad while they wait to see who you are sponsoring (at the concert).

    Good Luck
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Develope an amazing CD/DVD Business Card with your Computer and Multimedia message and personal CV etc. ready to play, ready to share, ready to prove you are MultiMedia Pros.
    Follow up with event details for each different venue.

    Many choices out there and bullseye rather than shotgun marketing keep costs inline and exact.

    (People can't resist seeing what is on a CD right away)

    You travel too, provide music, fun and entertainment ... sounds like a Charter Company so perhaps the CD image could be a Charter Jet something like this .. or an even tighter version...

    Umbrella message could be like the old Gun for Hire shows,

    Have Concert
    Will Travel

    It is even talked about in Conferences...

    Pepsi, Doritos, Coors etc all used this idea and now the smoking world too so it must work.

    Hope this helps SPOT what you should do differently.


  • Posted on Accepted
    I think mbarber's visual umbrella theme illustrates something very important - tie in all the messages you communicate in to a common theme and for easier reference an brand recognision by consumer - give a visual reference point.
    A Central theme (umbrella theme) is essential to avoid confusing customers with bits and pieces of info.
    If choosing music concerts (such as Rock, heavy metal) as the theme, main target will be the youth, thus ensure all communication is youth-friendly.
    Try to show the connection between telecommunication and music - eg: Voice

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