
Topic: Other

How Would One-offer Sum-one What They Need ...

Posted by Anonymous on 333 Points
I am wondering ??? how would one give an other the opportunity to add-on to an existing portal in a creative, yet "positive" way. Think of iT as a face-less existance that enhances the growth of the company by offering "what is really needed" - behind the scenes. The mask is off - reality is scary, for those who have fear. Dealing with People and their truth in seeking what they truely want in Life.

Any comments are all ways welcome
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  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    There will be time, there will be time
    To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
    There will be time to murder and create,
    And time for all the works and days of hands
    That lift and drop a question on your plate;
    Time for you and time for me,
    And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
    And for a hundred visions and revisions,
    Before the taking of a toast and tea.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    Dear Sharon

    My previous posting to you was from The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock and it encapsulates many of my thoughts about your posting.

    For I will be old fashioned in this reply. How delightful to see a free spirit amongst we, the number crunchers, the plan makers, the forecasters and the writers of dreary tag lines for even drearier realtors (Whatever they may be). And your use of the language – syntax holds few bounds for those whose ideas spill out faster than the keyboard can cope.

    Your question seems to be about giving people the means to contribute something to your site-to-be, whist confronting their fear of doing so. You need to give them confidence to present their ideas, the space and the time to do it and technologically the means to load a scintilla of their thoughts into your space whilst the have the courage to do it, lest a moment of procrastination makes creative input one of those things they wish that they had done, but having failed to seize the moment can not turn time backwards when they should have squeezed the universe into a ball to roll it towards some overwhelming question.

    OK, that’s a paraphrase of another bit of the poem, but in it he is agonising whether to do something important

    Do I dare? And do I dare?
    Time to turn back and ascend the stair

    So what you seek is something which will allow people to grasp the moment and shedding their fear make that visit.

    Any website can have a portal – this one has many. The means to contribute can be set with a high threshold – “please supply name, address, email and phone number” or it can be a low threshold. But beware; many people will take advantage of an easily accessed forum to spread their twaddle, so you will have to moderate what gets published. Look at the drivel which swamps the golden nuggets in where you host your current pages.

    The technology is easy to access, the moderation is hard work and attracting the right contributors will be a taxing marketing job, but one which you should relish.

    Good luck with what you are attempting – I’m sure that if you persevere that you will end up with something interesting, but it won’t be what you started out to do. The world is too chaotic for that, even if you try to control it! James Joyce had the same problem when he was writing Ulysses and I’m not sure that he really understood what he’d done even long after he’d published.

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted on Author
    Wow! thanks ... i am pleased you clarified your initial post - it would have really hurt my search-engine other-wise ;). One would have to respect a male whom continued the use of his last name huh?

    Its all about measurement and defining the correct tool to apply - and when!.
    Forecasting is most like knowing the right approach at the right time with the right key to unlock the code.

    This is with respect ... I bet he died after writing that song! how long can one think for, before the beginning is lost! he seemed a very confused man and very miss-understood. how much thought is involved in writing poetry for a start? and lets face it before there is poetry there must be an emotion to tag-it-together in the first place. did he even leave his room? the elements of confusion there are sad. No use going back and forwards as to go straight ahead is the only way (without damage). Actually enjoy to live rather than figure-out how to live.

    I want to clarify I am not trying to get people along to my website. (That is non-profit-project). I named the site of which .space because it fitted seemingly with the next-space currently involved in another space. It is possible one would assume this because there are two types of information available on my profile to a viewer to base a response on.

    - this venture i am asking for opinion is:

    The kind of work you do just by helping sumone who needs it to get on with the bigger things in life. Get rid of the making money stigma and getting life strategically structured to make money wisely and happily (not just doing a j o b). Think of a Life-Coach operating on a higher platform available online-ontime. I cannot say much more as I do not want to breach the rules or offend any-one at any risk.

    As a cheeky monkey once said "all you need is the key from the monk - once you get-iT (understand it) - it's all monkey business ..... FuN.

    Control sounds like a confidence-trick to me. Inner Self Control - now that has power with a ticket to drive.

    I shall not be asking people to use a button and pop me on - I want people to "read" what they see and not be distracted by what they view.

    All it takes is one measurement of intelligent code
    Thanks Steve for your response.

    FineAnts Know What They Are Searching For ... every tub must sit on its own bottom ... dont you agree?
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Accepted
    Life coaching seems to fit with other 'make over' industries.

    Offer your services at Gyms, Finishing Schools, Jails, Head Hunting agencies .... seems everyone is searching for that certain ingredient or alloy often call Un-obtanium!

  • Posted on Author
    I am going away for a period of 5 days. Hopefully the staff within wont get annoyed at me as I leave my question unattended. Any comment on my post is appreciated.

    Thanks Kevin for your post I would be much interested in keeping in touch with you - how so?.

    Have a Happy Easter time to every one, and again thank you for this site

    kind regards

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