
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Activation A Facial Product For Men

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We have launched a facial foam for men aged 23-27. There is no competitor at the moment except current facial cleansers for majority women. Please advise me ways to activate the brand. Customer insights are : not too grease, cleaning, make skin look brighten and feel confident after washing. We have not much budget for above the line. Your advices will be much appreciated. Thank you for your help.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    In this segment, sex sells. If you are on a limited budget for advertising, I would aim my dollars at clothing for women.. something that says "my man uses xxx facial product". Further, I suggest passing the product to women and asking that they give it to their boyfriends etc. Research indicates that men in this category would wear rags, never bathe, and wear purple paint on their face if they thought it would help them find women... (well maybe not the paint, but...)
    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    This would make a great project to post in the "Hire an Expert" section. Then, you could have professionals from this forum bid on not just suggesting ideas, but implementing your launch. See the link at the right.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I would agree with Frank that sex sells... but I would wonder if the type of men most likely to buy the product would be interested in attracting women at all...

    ... I'm not a consumer marketing guy, I'm a telemarketing guy, but if I were researching this sort of product, I would visit some day spas and salons and so forth, or even the cosmetics counter at an upscale department store, and try to find out what sort of guys tend to spend money on sunblock and facial creams and cosmetics and so forth.
  • Posted on Accepted

    1. Use Mens magazine and advertise in then, as mbarber mentioned

    2. See the promotional campaign of "Fair and Handsome" by Paras Pharmacuetical in India.

    They are selling a cream which will make men look more fair. In India this is a product first of its kind. Initially there was a product "Fair and Lovely" by HLL, arm of Unilever in India. They have used TV commericials and portray that inially the guy was ugly looking and once this guy applied the above cream, all girls got attracted. And finally all of them said - "Hi Handsome". You can also develop this type showing the marked difference after usinf the facial foam as you meniotned.

    3. Buzz Marketing: You are very lucky that these types of prodcuts targeting men are non-existant in market. You get the opportunity to create a buzz saying that there is a product innovation in market which target guys - new of its kind.

    4. Blogs: Continuing with point 3, blogs are the best way to buzz, and also to do pilot testing by getting feedback from diverse customers.

    5. Arpirational Spirit: As mbarber mentioned, create ur brand, so that people aspire for it and want that on their dressing table. You have give a value proposition that, if you dont use this foam, you gonna be behind many other male members and they gonna have better girl friends.

    6. You can also take shelf space in different salons for the initial launch, ask them to tell the benefits of this foam to all their male customers.

    As you mention the scarcity of Budget, i would recommend that dont go for expensive TV commercials, rather use unconventional methods like blogs and create buzz.

    Hope this will help.
  • Posted on Member
    I'm not sure what country you are in, but in the States there has actually been a dramatic increase of beauty produts aimed at men. Anthony Logistics is a great example of this. Even browsing at Wal-Mart, you'll see alot more products for men (cleansers, moisturizors, shaving cream, shower gel) then you have in the past. More men-friendly salons are opening and more salons are implementing men's night. If you read any of the beauty trade magazines, you'll see what I mean. I would suggest finding these types of salons and talking to the owner. See if they'd be willing to take some samples and try them out. If they like it or think it will work for their clients, then sell them the line to use and sell at the salon. Another way to go is tradeshows. There are major tradeshows all over the country where you have access to thousands of salon owners that are going there specifically to buy-either new lines or stocking up on the ones they already carry. Also, it seems like guys in their 20-early 30's are going to be more likely to buy this product, so set up shop at places they're at (clubs, bars, sporting events) and offer samples. My personal experience/opinion is that if I am trying a new beauty product for the first time, I want a sample to make sure I'm going to like it and it works the way it says it will. It saves me time and money and I don't have to argue with a sales associate to return a slightly used bottle because it made me break out.

  • Posted on Member
    Its constraints that make people innovative and think out of box.

    Well as it is said that there is constraint for ATL activities, it would be preferable to present/promote the brand in those touch points where your target customers are present

    Small temperory Counters opened with demonstrators explaining the scientific aspect of the products, may be a temperorary counter in a big shopping mall or trade centres during weekends.
    Try to makes yourself differentiated with attractive and unique shows and designs.
    As the target audience is 23-27 the demonstrators can be smart girls which give the charmness as ladies are associated with beauty.( Plz forgive if it hurts anyone, )

    Concetrate more push on the trade side after the intial shows and promotion, Sposered shelf space in supermarkets, shops attractive POPs etc, Make sure to have a demonstrator during the first 3 to 4months as the product is first of its kind in the market, which helps in educating this customers.

    Be very careful while choosing those touch points and the time about the availbilty or presence of your target customer group.

    Attractive road shows, unqiue Hoardings can make the brand a Talk in Town.

    Sponsoring events which attracts this segments like rock shows, celebrity nites etc

    But these Below the line activites cannot give presence or sales in huge way compared to ATL activites,

    But as we all know WORD OF MOUTH supersede any other

    Gopinath M.R.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all your support.

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