
Topic: Strategy

Direct Mail Strategy For A Market Hard To Grab

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
We sell a product/service created for seniors living home alone (apart from their adult children).

Now ... 80% of our customers are actually the adult children who care about their elderly parents living home alone.

We want to do Direct Mail, but it's hard to get a list of those adult children to market to. How do we know if they have elderly parents? How do we find out if their parents live alone?

Any ideas? (besides buying lists from companies that sell to the same market)
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    I would set up a trojan site.... with special listings for people who can identify 3 generations... Kind of a they list it and then show to their friends. You target the grandkids (age 16-21) of your target market.

    It may be cheaper to buy a list, but this way you can capture quality information for next to nothing.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I would completely agree with Steve, why go through the pain of trying to target your market through DM, when you have much more cost effective ways of hitting your market through appropriate newspapers, magazines, radio etc.

    Direct as much as the respondents as possible to provide some of the details you need, including email, postal addresses etc, so that you can start to build your database for later marketing.

    Good Luck

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