
Topic: Other

How To Get Sponsorship For Robotic Competition

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
How would I go about getting sponsorship for a robotic competition that is not specifically for students?

Most robotic competitions involve a school or have some sort of educational purpose.

My event is purely entertainment but with cash prizes (or sponsors prizes).

Any help greatly appreciated!
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  • Posted on Member

    Getting a sponsorhip for a robotic competition is very unusual. Anyways i think you should contact the following:

    1. Robotic Companies: Look out for Artificial Intelligence companies who actual work on robots and ask for sponsorship.

    2. Machine Giants: If you see the machines in Hospitals, they are mainly from Siemens and actually they robots who analyze the patients and note the readings etc. They are the right companies to get sponsorship

    3. Toy Companies: As these days we have lots of robotic toys, u can ask them as well.

    4. Entertainment companies

    5. Media Houses

    Hope this will help.
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Like mudwrestling try Breweries and bars!

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