
Topic: Strategy

Luxury Patio Furniture Integrated Marketing Camp.

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We are pitching to a high-end luxury outdoor furniture company. They would like us to propose an integrated marketing campaign that targets new movers and drives them to their website/online store. They really want to "wow" the recipiants with this package, so I am looking for some help with the unique concept!

What we know:
Targeting new movers with a household income of $100,000 - $300,000, a home value of $500,000+, age 35 - 64, and about 75% of previous purchasers are female.

We want an integrated campaign with direct mail, email and possible telemarketing to the target market. We need ideas on the message, creative and timeline of each touchpoint with the prospect.

All ideas welcome!!!
Thanks for your help!
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member
    This sounds more like a project and an answer in KRE may not do the question justice. Why don't you put it up using the link to the right - Post a Project------>

    There are plenty of folks on this site who would be glad to give you bids on such a project.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    just a 2 cents worth here. Be proactive, talk to the new movers before they get on the list. I would put together a package to forward to the HR depart of fortune 1000 companies. Big dollar people move because they are taking the next step in their carreer.
  • Posted on Member
    Hello Meg,

    When I first read your request, it was tempting to answer based on my background with the subject but I agree with Wayde.

    If you have a general or specific question, I will be glad to assist online.

    A lot of outdoor furniture is sold online with the appropriate marketing strategy. If you want to contact me offline to talk, please do so.

    Best of luck!

  • Posted on Accepted
    Since people are buying luxury they want to hear that it is exclusive. Furthermore, people who buy luxury are usually following fashion trends. So the message I would suggest to convey is: "Exclusivity and must have for anybody who is considered VIP."

    I wouldn't suggest concentrating on new movers, because a lot of times people already have designers who will furnish the house. There are many other ways you could go about reaching your target group, couple of ideas at the top of my head:

    -Commission to high end designers
    -Client refferal with other luxury businesses such as BMW, Mercedes etc dealerships, exclusive clubs, golf resorts, casinos, and boutique stores
    -Commission to realtors that sell high end real estate
    -Commission to high end stagers

    Just think about all other luxury services your target group is using, and you'll see it is pretty easy to reach these people. I wouldn't suggest direct mailing, since if it is luxury and a must have then your marketing should be luxurious too.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Meg, this is how i would approach this:

    1) think along the lines of every possible venue, situation where someone could come across these patio/outdoor furniture and think of any types of promotions which would suit these locations.

    a) internet, database, etc would benefit from discount coupons, free patio design consultation by partnering with an architect/interior design company for a cross propmotion. Prize draws are also effective online. but the term "integrated" to me means a lot more than database maketing through electronic channels.

    b) obviously they would have a showroon somewhere. You could also direct traffic from online to offline locations such as your showrooms by offering something more exclusive than others. for example, if you track the number of times a user logs on in the past month/week, send a driver over to pick them up and take them to your showroom? some sort of a VIP customer scheme?

    c) You could send small items to your database which includes your catelogue. A lot of people will disgard any corresponence if they are only on print, but if you send a couple of scented candles with clear messages? (words like illuminate, refresh, romantic, luxury, finess, )

    d) talk to restaurants and bars (where your target mkt usually go to) which have outdoor spaces and offer to replace their entire outdoor area with your furniture. If they agree to this on a long term basis, then all you have to do is sign a usage contract which states the length of time, how many times they are allowed to change per year, how much exposure they will offer in return, the possibility of usingn their location as showcases during product launch events etc"

    Once you have a (a few) locations, then a world of opportunities open up with regards to corss promotions with beverage companies, catering companies (as they want to get in on the house warming parties) I would ask for a visible location in/outside the restaurant to put up a sign which says something like "styled by xxx furniture"

    People who dine at these restaurants could pick up a vouchure or gift from xxx furniture company. This location can even be used as a pickup point for all your VIP's so you could find from your database those who purchased from you before and allow them to mingle with new customers over wine and cheese which will be sponsored by other organisations.

    e) if any of the firms you hold cross-sponsorship agreements with have ATL activities, then just find a way to stick your logo/message in.

    f) in terms of BTL, try and target all those other organisations who do outdoor events for a living eg wedding services, golf clubs, hotels with pools, beach resorts, beergardens etc. Its in their best interest for their activities to complement the beauty of nature and thats exactly what you offer.

    just some quick ideas. the possibilities are endless.

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your great comments!!! You have helped out so much!!

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