
Topic: Strategy

Pocket Activities After We Had A Major Event

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

Our company is being considered to promote a brand, a facial wash that targets pimples. We already submitted a proposal that will visit several schools with concerts featuring up- coming and well-know bands in the country. Concerts are well attended by our target market. However, the company wanted some pocket activities in the schools we have visited expecting name recall long after we had the concert. They wanted it to be a year long activities.

May I request some help. Thanks.
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    How about setting up local fan clubs for the group you are sponsoring... the fan club could have ongoing meetings....


    Set up a concert committee.. let students take part in planning and discussion of the concert.. these would be ongoing meetings with room to further promote your product

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Objective: Generate brand awareness amongst students.

    Why not develop a game that students can play that is linked to the brand in some way! How about a Space Invaders type game game that mimics shootings pimples, or a "whack a pimple" (whack a mole), type game.

    Students love playing games, and this would introduce a nice bit of competition between students.

    Viral games like this are getting cheaper to produce, and I understand businesses that have used them have seem huge increase in brand awareness.

    Good Luck on whatever you decide

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