
Topic: Strategy

Developing Strategic Partners In Media

Posted by fakeplasticco on 250 Points
I am looking to form a strategic partnership with a media company to help with this venue I am working on developing. I intend to provide advertisers with a venue where they could only pay for confirmed view of the ads as opposed to impressions etc.
The workings and the details involved are a part of the patent pending business method. It is a bit unconventional but theoretically it all works fine and everyone agrees that it could be a lucrative venture with the right team and execution.

Advantages of this venue for advertisers are as follows:
1) Cost effective
2) Better brand awareness
3) Higher ad recall rate
4) Ads would be as much as 3 times more successful

Would anyone know how do I go about tackling this? Also, where can I get some information as to who within
the company do I need to get into contact with to propose this?

The advantages listed above are all speculative and can be proved theoretically but since this kind of venue/concept doesn't exist its hard to draw up real numbers.

I am wondering do I need to show its success before I approach these companies or can I just take a plan to them and get them to help me execute this.

Any thoughts and info is super appreciated.
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  • Posted by fakeplasticco on Author
    Rbauman: Thanks for the tip there. I already put it to use.

    W.M.M.A: You got mail. :)
  • Posted on Member
    I might be interested in learning more about your program.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    hope you're having a great day! As Randall states there seem to be a lot of approaches you can take on this question.

    Developing partnerships with any organization, company or individual takes time. This all begins with the fundamental steps of relationship building. One way you could open up a greater stream of opportunity is to join the Chamber in your area. That way you can at least know that other individuals within this nucleus are like you...people who are interested in working together, networking together and partnering to expand opportunities. Ask for information about the media companies within the Chamber and go out to introduce yourself to those companies.

    Ask yourself the question what companies within this group would be interested in what I would like to propose? In other words what companies would be in the market for the solutions my idea can bring them?

    Also ask do I really understand the benefits my concepts contribute to others? If you really do understand the benefits then you should began to immediately see the specific customers in the business communities where you are currently located.

    Next you need to focus yourself by asking the much deeper questions. What media company would have a serious interest in my concept? Do I know who the media companies are that may be interested? Or am I going to have to do more research on media companies?

    Seriously a good business plan and marketing plan should flush out what direction you need to move in now. When we're not sure who we should contact that means we need to examine our strategies closer and think about who our customer is. Every product/service should be so well honed that we see the customer type emerge right out of the product or service development. Some of the advantages you have listed should make it very easy to approach almost anyone. So I think narrowing down the specific advantages to the end user would be helpful to you and those you are communicating with about doing business with you. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    The who to contact within the company can also be approached from many levels. There are many philosphies about who you should reach out to first. In other words there are many ways to do achieve the same end result.

    Some of this will be determined by the current relationships you have. Some of this will be determined by the current relationships your friends, relatives or other business associates have. So what do you have and who do you know?

    In my worldview I was trained to contact the CEO or President. In my experience that's always worked for me BUT something else might work for you or others. You might want to read the book "Selling to Vito". It is helpful in how to reach the very important top officer in each company. Remember you really don't have a problem that is not easy to solve. What you need to do more of is think creatively. Leverage the knowledge and relationships you currently have and engage others to participate in your dream. Since this is your dream are you having fun yet?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    I’ve only been a member of this forum for a year or so and there appear to be a stream of “Good Ideas” which appear to go nowhere. Well, I never see anything about them when I monitor my media links or search for some follow up.

    The main reasons appear to be a lack of a deliverable idea (Or a rubbish concept), an inability to formulate a business case (A 20 column spreadsheet with a couple of explanatory paragraphs beats 20 explanatory paragraphs and a couple of columns of figures) and an inability to reach the right people to put your case to.

    Randall has an understanding of the so-called “Hard Keys” – mainly the things you won’t want to even start to think about at this stage. I’d listen to him very carefully. Deremiah has an uncanny ability to hit the emotional nails on the head. His ideas might be hard to put down into an actionable list, but they are very worthy of deep study.

    I can offer only one word of caution. There is a feeling in media land that there are no new ideas under the sun, just re-workings of old ones. If your concept is attractive and you deliver a workable but untested business case, there is the possibility that it will be rejected as “Not made here” or “Done before” regardless of the truth of the case. Then a year later, you will find your idea in one form or another being deployed to their advantage, leaving you and your family lawyer to argue against a media giant’s law firm with 200 partners.

    Follow the advice to develop your contacts and take the advice from our members experienced in these matters, but for heavens sake, protect your intellectual property. One of the best ways to do this on a low budget it to trial the idea; proof of purpose through a prototype is, I believe, worth about 300 pages of pre-contractual legal papers.

    Good luck

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by fakeplasticco on Author
    I was under the impression that the question would go on as long as there are replies and a dialogue happening. Apologise for the negligence there.

    Thank you for everyone for participating you have all been very helpful. :)

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