
Topic: Other

Gift Shopping Service?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been reading quite a bit about personal shoppers lately, and how big they are getting to be. The one thing I noticed is that they all do all sorts of different errands etc. However, I was wondering how "successful" a gift shopping business would be. I do not have the funds at this time to really do a good market research so I wonder if any of you would use something like this, or know if it would catch on. (I did several searches, and I could only find one place/site that does this.) Here's what it would be:

It would be a personal shopping service of sorts, but only for gift items and unique things. We would buy, wrap and ship the gifts (options) for b-days, weddings, etc. on down the list. We would also offer to buy gifts for the person themselves if they just want something special. Also we could call you with the important dates/reminders if you wish. The gifts would be unique - I figure we could shop in local stores, gift shops, or even online which offers a huge selection as you know! Items could include tickets to an event, or even a weekend getaway. All of this would be done in a set budget of course.

I think this business might go over well because people are lacking time to do things these days (like the personal shoppers), and at least many people I know hate to look for gifts. They just dont know what to get the person who has everything, and we would step in and do this all for them.

So what do you all think? Is this enough info for you? Do you think people would pay $15-20 an hour (or a percentage of the purchase price) for this service? Any help would be great, thanks! And don't forget your own opinions, no matter what they are!
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  • Posted by darcy.moen on Accepted
    There is a growing segment of society that has more money than time, so the service fees are going to be the least of the issue. People are willing to pay for a service they value, and personal shopping is one of them.

    I would be more concerned with determining your local's demographics. If you have a large pool of people who earn a gorss amount of money (like say 5,000 people earning more than 250,000 a year, and are business owners or professionals from time sensitive professions like lawyers or so).

    The next major hurdle is how will you advertise your service and find all these people? Will you place an ad in the local coffee news? Newspapers?

    Perhaps you coul test the waters and begin placing a few ads and seeing how often the phone rings. Use your cell phone number in your ads so you can take calls on the run. Maybe even try this as a part time business and gradually build it up.

    Hope I help ya.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer loyalty Network
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    I hope you're having a great day!

    Remember that if people will pay for a pet rock or an opportunity to see turtles in a half shell your idea can work and most importantly it can sell. Research it out if it really moves you by examining people who are using these methods. You might be surprised that there are people who are willing to pay more money than you are asking for a service like this.

    The most important input I believe I can give you today will come through this question. Is this really your dream to do this kind of work? If it is GO FOR IT! But if it isn't tap into what YOU believe you'd love to do. There are many ways to make money but only one way to be happy...and that is do what makes you happy. Do the type of work that benefits the lives of others and at the same time inspires you to be your best. Remember there are no real problems only a failure to be creative. Invent your opportunity and create your future. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by jpoyer on Accepted
    I come from a family who I know would use a service like this. I can't tell you how many times my father gave us money to do the Christmas shopping for the family, because he worked so much. He also sent me out many a year to pick out mother's day presents, or presents for my siblings as well (I've long since passed the torch to a younger sibling who happily carries it now). ... I definitely think there is a market out there for this type of service, because, like you say, people always need more time. Even people who have a lot of money complain about the time they don't have to get everything done. I do think your target customer would be those in six figure households. Those of us with a megar five figure income just have to muster up the time to do it ourselves.

    Best of Luck,

    XPRT Creative

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