
Topic: Other

Tabletop Ideas For Restaurant For Fourth July

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
My collegue is a restaurant manager, and he wants to do a american theme on 4th july. in particular he wants to do some special tabletop for that day. Its a classy restaurant and it has to be tasteful. He cannot think beyond flag themed tablecloths...

Ideas needed please!
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Runners-long scarf type fabric that runs down the middle of the table over the table cloth would be very nice, would add visual pop. Red white and blue solids. Also, carnations if available come in many colors and white ones could be dyed blue when purchased through florist. They last for many days. Also, go to craft store and purchase strands of stars, which would be in shinny metalic and arrange with flowers. Medium size pitchers and bowls, white would be a pretty vase, or pretty much any type of clear vase. Good luck.
  • Posted on Accepted
    One of the things that I really like is the star metallic confetti stars. They look great when the light hits them as well.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hope you're having a great day & from my examples you'll see that I'm proud to be an American!

    Well the flag is most definitely one of the main common themes of the day but you can redirect the focus on using this theme in many ways.

    Incorporate this theme into the salt & pepper shakers. Use white table cloth, with red and blue salt shakers. This can have a sort of subliminal theme without going gung ho.

    use Red, white and blue balloons to have the same effect.

    And get a star stencil and small can of elegant gold spray paint and put Gold stars on the balloons. Or be a bit risky and spray a few Gold stars across the white table cloths to add an elegant richness but not over zealous image to your table cloths.

    OR GO GUNG HO...
    Now if you want to go gung ho but not in an expensive fashion try this. In Illinois we have dollar stores where you can pick up a lot of things very cheaply. Try going to a dollar store and identify the types of inexpensive holiday items they have there and pick up a few things. Use these inexpensive items to expand on the theme the 4th of July brings. Remember there are no real problems only a failure to be creative. Invent your opportunity and create your future. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    or make white paper chef hats for all your waiters and waitresses to wear. Spray the gold stars or post some images of Old Glory on the hats. This is very inexpensive but can add a richness and joy to celebrating the 4th.

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