
Topic: Other

I Would Like To Interview A Sales Manager, Can You Please Help Me In Putting Up My Questions?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I would like to interview our Sales Manager, i am new to Marketing and need some help in the types of question to ask. This is an exercise in our training and appreciate if someone can help.
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I'd ask the sales manager which of your products or services is most difficult or challenging to sell, and if the sales manager feels there is potential for revenue growth for that product.

    Then, focus some of the above questions on that specific product. I'd ask which salesperson is most effective at selling that product, and ask if I could interview that person as well. (This may help you address "turf" issues with Sales, since they are not really selling the product anyway).

    If the product has been neglected by marketing to this point, there may be some simple things you could do which could have a great impact.

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