
Topic: Research/Metrics

Avg Response Rates By Promotion

Posted by Anonymous on 75 Points
What are the average response rates for different promotions such as direct mail (I've seen stats citing 1% response from direct mail), coupons, give aways, etc.

I am reworking my website and think all I really need for advertisers is to show our results. If I can compare our results right next to the averages, that'll be a fantastic selling point.

So far our clients have experienced:

22.6% redemption rate on free gift.
18% redemption on gift cards
22% success rate on follow ups (making follow up calls on the original informational material 22% bought the services being offered).

Direct Mail 1% NewMom 22.6% - who's not going to buy that??

Thank you in advance.

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  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    Your 22.6% is very good. I believe you are presenting data for your conversions. 18-22% of the time, a person who lands on your page for a free gift or to redeem a gift card or who ask for information are converted to your customer. This means very little to an advertiser because they may not be offering as much value, as aligned to customer needs, have as good a website, or be set up to follow up as you are. For instance, if you have an advertiser who is trying to sell a new home to new moms because new moms need more space - well, I doubt they will see a 22% conversion rate.

    What you are trying to say is that you have access to a focused demographic - an audience of X new moms who view your website X times per week. What an advertiser gets is an average of X impressions per day/week/month. That's what you can offer them. From impression to click-through (acting on the ad to seek more information) depends on the ad. Then, to take this to conversion, it depends on their landing page and how they present their value proposition.

    To your advertisers, quote your demographics, number of subscribers, and the number of views for your site you have per day. Given the cost per exposure for your site versus the cost of direct mail (maybe $0.40 per exposure?) you can demonstrate your value.

    I hope this helps.


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