
Topic: Other

Selling Marketing To Hostile Middle Eastern Companies

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am writing a series of 12 newspaper articles on the need of marketing for local middle eastern companies. They are totally negative on the need for marketing and still confuse it with sales. What approach shall I take?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    It sounds like you would need to define the different areas (what is sales, what is marketing). And if you have time to find one, use case studies showing how marketing and sales are different, how it works when you use it, and how things don't work as well when you don't use marketing. Definitely use a case study that the readers can relate to (local would be good, along with being a product that they are familiar with and doesn't offend local customers/morals).

    If you get lucky, perhaps you can find one company to feature in the series of articles that can show these areas. You can build one article after the other on this story and slowly build to a successful company after a rough start (whjich while tough for the company, gives you the opportunity to show the downside of no marketing).
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Is this hostility towards marketing a bit of a generalisation? My perception is some M-E countries have a good acceptance of most marketing while others may not be so well-disposed.

    Perhaps marketing Western/american goods and services may be confused for promoting Westerinsm or worse still (in their minds) AMERICANISM itself, which may the root cause of any potential hostility.

    I would look at factors for removing hostility and creating empathy. Ultimately consumers all have needs and desires, whatever their nationality, and by communicating a targeted message sensitive to local ecomoncs, culture and mores, all Marketing does is serve the consumers needs.

    No-one can get hostile about that.

    Is the concept unique to M-E? Imagine puting up a bilbard for luxury goods in the middle of a depressed area where unemployment is very high and incomes are on the breadline. How long before the billboard gets vandalised? Doesn't matter about the nationality, Marketing which is ill-positioned and insensitive gets right up anyones nose.

    Let us know the URL for the newspaper articles!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I think there are always going to be good stories to tell from any market. It’s not as if Jordan is struggling on the brink of economic oblivion.

    Perhaps you could contrast the marketing efforts of local businesses with those of US businesses and look for success stories as well as not-so-successful stories from both Western and M-E sides of the fence.

    Do Jordanians perceive the Far East as being Western? (Yes, I know how ridiculous that question sounds). There are obviously Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean and Chinese businesses marketing into Jordan – perhaps focusing on their successes might portray a degree of acceptable neutrality. E.g. Sony, Honda, Toyota, Ssanyong, Samsung, LG and so on. Unless, of course, they are seen as being “Westernised/Americanised” companies, in which case they won’t be useful references for you.

    Successful local/M-E companies might include Gulf Air, Emirates. And what about Harrods – an old World brand owned by Mohamed Al Fayed – is he considered to be M-E still, or is he now a “Brit”?

    Hope this helps you clarify your thinking. I’m looking forward to reading what you write!
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Just reflecting further on your small market size.

    I understand the problem - here in Aus we have a population of only 20M but still it's way bigger than 5M...

    Maybe there's an opportunity to teach the local market ow to do "guerrilla" marketing, just so long as the "guerilla" term is not interpreted literally...

    In other words, teach them how to do everything for very little. Viral marketing, Word of Mouth through excellent service, and so on - any use?

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    I like your idea of "market or die" and antagonizing them with examples of successful competetors.

    I think one major issue may be the comapnies are not so much resistant to marketing, rather they realize the consumer trends are price oriented. This price oriented behavior may be due to a lack of comsumer education and an efficient/opportunistic economy. My perception of Jordan is you are either rich or poor. The poor are concerned about one thing: survival...which means conserving resources. They don't care about market tests, brands, quality, celeb endorsements, packaging, ads, studies ,etc. If they want it or need it, they buy it for as little as possible.

    I think your quest is to educate government, consumers AND local businesses. This may start the people to realize they can acquire greater things, which means developing a mind-set open to marketing tactics, and a more flourishing economy and marketing programs.

    Jut my humble opinion. Not intention to offend. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Depnds on your true mission. Exporting can create quite a lucrative position for manufacturers and maybe even increase emloyment.

    However, if your focus is to strengthen Jordan's business and economic sector, and instill the importance of marketing in the minds of business owners and consumers alike, I think your articles sound sound like a good plan.

    Make sure each article is unique in it's subject and builds an interest to look for the next one. You may want to consider a brief mention of respective marketing techniques relative to each subject. THEN, once you have their attention and they have read the word "marketing" a few dozen times, blast them with the Marketing articles.

    Tap into the emotions. Compare local businesses with identical businesses in the US, EU, China, Japan, Mexico and show how much more successful they are and the marketing tactics they use. Then in your marketing articles, describe these tactics and provide contact info for consultancy.

    Just might work!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You are welcome!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I would like to read your articles if I may. Feel free to use my email address, located in my profile.

    Go ahead and sent one over if you have it complete.

    Thank You!

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