
Topic: Strategy

How To Sell &

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I've tried eBay, brokers, directly contacting related fields, everything short of taking an ad out in the NYTimes or Wall Street Journal...

How would you sell these domains?
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    David ( has some given you words to consider seriously. It could be that no one wants those names! If you have TRULY made an effort to contact everyone in the fields who may be interested in those names, it's probably time to give it up. You have a "product" that satisfies no one's needs and is therefore worthless.

    Since I am only "echoing" David's words, please give the points to him and none to me! I am just agreeing with him that it sounds like it's time to give up!

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    your price is too high....

    Anybody who would normally be interested in these sites would be scared away by your 200-500K estimated value...

    Maybe you will find someone for 5K-10K. In my mind the days of people paying big bucks for a site are over.
    If you owned or maybe you could have commanded some big bucks.. but I think those days are over.

    I hope you prove me wrong, and the cost of keeping them open is minuscule. so... why not hold on for a while to prove me wrong.
  • Posted on Member
    Let me just chime in that the days of people paying thousands for generic urls is way over!
  • Posted on Accepted
    tough one... looks like you are doing the right thing with
    - enquiry form on the landing page for all sites... with the sites for sale or to lease.
    -You have a referrer fee.

    I guess it is registered for sale through domain reg co's.. so i think you have the main bases covered.

    My only other thought and judging by your recent response it may not go down too well!

    barriers to sale:
    - when looking for domains for campaigns etc - I will always type in the URL to see what is there. Perhaps your landing pages look a little too commercial? Like you bought them to sell - this could put off enquirers perhaps look at doing it in a bit more of a subtle way... maybe drop the prices from the page. See what they want to offer?

    - The images make it look,at first glance like it is an established site, and people may just carry on surfing other domains they have in their head.

    - Healthcare sites notoriously use .org/ .net domains. so for someone thinking of investing to this level may want the clean sweep of all domains.

    - Most global healthcare companies have corporate sites with we bextensions and news/media sites have health as an extension e.g. or

    - The domains are really nice, but there are ways in which you can come up with something similar - allowing companies to resist the temptation to buy at your market appraised price like:
    medicalnews... mediacalupdates ...and so on

    For the sake of coming up with another avenue to approach
    1) targeting those using "health news" in PPC strategies.
    2) Shout about search volumes to help sell the domain - X thousand searches by day ...

    There is nothing like a killer URL for any company!

    Don't be too quick to dismiss the other responses though, if you already doing a lot to sell it... could the price be over inflated?? I can get for £8 ($5), others may be thinking the same!

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