
Topic: Other

Holiday Gift Giving

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I work as the sole marketer in a non-profit organization that provides services to the elderly (mostly home care).

Every year we buy gift baskets and make vivists to our top referral sources as a thank you.

This year I have started working with a number of outside consultants and companies to help me market our organization.

Is it appropriate to send them a gift of thanks as well?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    As a consultant, I would say "No".
    Lets be fair, you have probably paid them well for their services.

    What they would prefer more than a gift is a testimonial, write them a glowing report on how well they have done (if indeed they have), they will appreciate that more than a a gift basket, and it costs you nothing.

    Good Luck and all the best

    black and white marketing

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