
Topic: Other

How Do I Increase Traffic To My Site?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I have a vehicle tracking web site

how can i best increase traffic within UK on a budget?

should i outsource project?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    There are a whole gangload of suggestions, but many may have been addressed and the others may not apply. Therefore, I would suggest hiring one of us to examine your site/business, etc and allow us to give you a specific plan either we or yourself can implement.

    Without knowing any real specifics about your place in this industry, any suggestions will be shots in the dark.

    Feel free to send me an email if you require further assitance.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    One person mentioned search engine optimiztion. This is where you make changes to your site (and to others who link to your site) so that you get higher listings on Google and the other search engines (hopefully meaning that more people will find you when they search on keywords import to you). provides a some details on how to do it and what not to do.

    An inexpensive advertising is the pay per click advertising, such as Google's Adwords. You get listed on the search screen as a sponsored link. You only are charged when a person clicks the link to your site.

    Beyond that, Advertising, articles, press releases, or just about any offline marketing or PR program can work to send customers to your site.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I received a pretty good article that talks about SEO, how to do it, and what to watch out for:
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Robert
    The first thing you should do is to segment the complete population out there.

    There are people (customers, prospects, business partners, etc.) that you know by name/job title and there are the rest of the potential market that you are unaware of by name/job title/organisation, etc.

    The first group (the people you know) can be further subdivided into those you have email addresses for and those you don't.

    1. Where you have email addresses you can begin a regular email-based dialogue to encourage them to visit your site by providing links within the email to download a whitepaper, check out a special offer, etc.

    2. For those you know but don't have email addresses, you should consider direct mail. The objective of the direct mail should be to get people to go to your site to register (give them something from the website from which they have to give their email address, e.g. a whitepaper, how to guide, etc). You can then use item 1 above to get them to regularly visit the site.

    3. For all the others (the unknown potential prospects) use search engines. For search engine optimisation projects I use Wordtracker to identify the best words/phrases to optimise the pages for and I use WebPosition Gold to optimise the pages and to submit the new pages to all the key search engines. Once you get them to your site from the search engines try and get them to register and give their email addresses as in item 2 above.

    You can then begin a regular email dialogue to build up a relationship/brand awareness, etc. and move them from prospects to customers and from customers to loyal customers.

    Hope this helps

    Pat Divilly
    MarketWare International

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