
Topic: Strategy

How Do I Gauge Demand Of A Genre Of Music In Another Country

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our goal, as a company, is to introduce a specific genre of music via a radio station to a country that does not have any experience with that genre. The country is a fairly medium sized country with a clear infrastructure and a strong government. This is a very thriving economoy that has been stable for several decades. We are having trouble determining how well the response will be or if there has ever been any interest. Our initial thought was to gain a sense of demand through CD sales of that genre but our search has not found a company that collects that data. How else do you think we could gauge demand?
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    I like DesignVHL's website idea. I would add a radio/audio broadcast function so you could broadcast the "genre" music and get feedback from those who listen.

    In other words -- try web-based radio first.

    happy broadcasting
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Let me see if I understand...

    You want to guage demand for a music genre the market has not yet seen and you were thinking knowledge of existing CD sales might help?

    - If there were CD sales data wouldn't that mean the genre had already received exposure?

    Do you have buyer profiles or segment personality data from other markets where the genre has been exposed? (What genre is it?)

    Can you map the genre buying profile from one market to the intended target country to see how other cultural, sociological and psychographic indicators align (or mis-align) to get a greater feeling of confidence?

    Are there other radio stations serving the same target market? Can you map competitive models from the target country back to other known markets where the genre has performed well?

    Are there any markets where the genre has failed to perform well?

    What are the indicators for failure and how can you check the intended market for those indicators?

    From my knowledge of musical taste and radio stations, I would say you will only ever get a modest level of confidence from looking at the above actors, the acid test will be at launch and will depend more on the initial promotional program to capture share from existing stations.

    You had better be ready to reinvent the radio station on the fly if it doesn't work out like you hoped!

    Good Luck!

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