
Topic: Strategy

Manufacturing Company's Upsell And Crossell Opportunities

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our manufacturing company (Electrical Distribution Equipment) is installing a sophisticted new pricing system (by CinCom) and want to incorporate opprotunities to crossell and upsell products to increase top line and bottom line growth. Are there books or articles (or testimonials) available that would provide guidance in developing and implementing such tactics?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    Interesting, I don't see a connection between an improved pricing system and the ability to upsell or cross sell.

    In my experience, upselling and cross selling was a function of having good sales people. Ones that know all the company's products and are able to listen to the customer to hear what they need, and then suggest other products/product options that the company has. There is definitely a level of skill required by the sales person to be able to do this - many are not able.

    I did go to the CinCom web site and saw that they do list being able to cross sell and upsell as part of what the sales configurator offers. It says that it helps "capture product, service and business knowledge". If it can help sales people capture knowledge which they would not otherwise get, then perhaps it can help up/cross sell.

    You say you are in the process of installing the system? I would take advantage of not being completed with the process to get the CinCom folks to provide whatever information they can on how to best up/cross sell with the system.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    Go to and check out their "Funnel Calculator" and other tools and articles. I highly recommend it.

    Good Luck!

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