
Topic: Other

Sponsorship Amounts For Local Event

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am trying to figure out how much a local event could warrant asking for in sponsorship dollars. How would I find out what a company would expect for their sponsorship dollars?
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  • Posted by charles.stannard on Accepted
    I worked at a Cable Company and was constantly being asked to sponsor events.

    I would first focus on what I could provide the sponsors (see below for a sponsor's perspective), and then I would figure out how much I needed to make to cover costs and make a profit. You could then break this down by Tiers - Gold Sponsorship gets this...Silver this...

    What is in it for me? How can I get access to the attendees? It's tough to sell people things at the events, but can I get their information to follow-up with them? I wanted to know how many people were going to attend, and what did they "look" like.

    Will someone from the event hold my hand through the sponsorship, or will they cash the check and leave me floundering?

    Is there a marketing plan for the event, and can I have my logo in all media?

    Is there a way to quantify my ROI? I.E. Just spent $10K to be at the State Fair, and what did I get for it?

    Can I get free tickets for my top performers and brass in my company?

    Partnering with newspapers and cable companies often affords the opportunity to trade in-kind values - for example - the newspaper gives free advertising of the event for 10 VIP tickets, etc...

    Sales Reps that understood what I was looking for did better than those just looking to cash a check.....
  • Posted on Accepted
    I think the answers depends on how much promotion the company will get out of the sponsorship. For example, if I'm sponsoring the Best of Delaware for Delaware Today Magazine I'm going to spend a lot more for the platinum sponsorship that I will if I'm sponsoring a smaller less known magazine because it's premium advertising in Delaware Today.

    For who/what/when/where are you seeking sponsorship?

    Marketing Riot
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi dmilleremail,

    I hope you're making great things happen today. It sounds like more than one person on Marketing profs has this same problem.

    It appears some think you're trying to itemize or get to the bottom line of how much you should request from those who'll sponsor you but that's not what you're looking for. You're trying to get to some kind of guideline for what Sponsors might be willing to pay you for your event. Or at the very least what do they pay for events similar to yours.

    Personally I can't give you the answer you're looking for but I can do the next best thing direct you to a resource.

    I'd highly suggest you check this resource out that was given to me by my good friend Janet Switzer ( is the co-author of "The Success Principles" with Jack Canfield.

    Over the years Janet has supplied me with a shipload of resources that have helped me launch my successful campaign as a speaker and child advocate.

    Here's the resource she referred to me three years back and it's an excellent resource. Some information is free but they're in the business to make money from the valuable knowledge they have developed in the sponsorship industry. Go to this website and check it out.

    Call them if you have to but the answer is available for the question you're asking.

    REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *C-hallenging P-eople E-veryday
  • Posted on Member
    I have also been working on retaining sponsorship....can anyone give me ways (not to costly) on how to prove ROI for sponsors.

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