
Topic: Strategy

How To Foster Forum Participation?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
We have launched a Forum to foster the sharing of information between Sales Reps in all of our branch locations across the US. I've named and branded it, and created an e-newsletter which talks about the latest topics and gives direct links to the topic areas. There is also a direct link from our company Intranet homw page.

But participation is sluggish. How do you suggest I get the benefits across and get the team to use it?

I'm feeling like I almost need to tackle it more like a Blog -- or even a collection of Blogs -- assign a certain member a specific topic area with the challenge of posting to it weekly or daily? Thhis still may not get people used to visting often... Any proven help out there?

How did MarketingProfs get this forum going?
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  • Posted by Valerie Witt on Moderator
    Hi bbogue. Thanks for your question. I have lots to say on this, but I'm on deadline at the moment. I'll post back tomorrow.

    In the meantime, some of those who were with us back in the beta days (ah, when we were young ) may have some thoughts.


  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    We post on this forum because we get points-- and people like you click through to our websites. Occasionally they click thru (the more points we get the more credible we sound) and they pay us for services.

    I'm on another small biz forum and they send an email out every couple weeks, priming the pump. They'll send two or three topics, with the question-- what do you think. If I post more than 3x a month, I get a $20 Amazon gift certificate. Its not going to make me rich, but it helps -- I read a lot, and I'm working on my MBA.

    With reps, you can highlight a win-- a sale and post the details. Then ask the reps their opinion and how the lessons learned can help them. Keep posting and leading yourself as the moderator. The discussion becomes like any sales meeting-- we learn more from each other than the VP of Sales presenter. Which reminds me- -keep the VP sales off the board. You don't want the reps fearing they'll be reprimanded for saying something truthful but negative.

    A rep's whats in it for me is increasing their commissions. If you make it informative and show them that reading this will give them more tools to close-- you'll be fine.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by Stephen Denny on Member
    Try using your forum as your product/service launch platform -- make your portal essential for their daily activities. Once they get in the habit of getting their information at your portal, the jump to participation will be a smaller leap of faith for them.

    Also, should you be looking at this like a blog or like a wiki? In a blog, YOU write and they comment. In a wiki, EVERYONE writes. Might be a change of pace, but what the heck.

    Reduce the need to re-educate -- make it a habit and you'll be fine.

    Good luck!

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