
Topic: Research/Metrics

How To Sell Search Services To Businesses

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am looking for advice on how to identify, locate and communicate with businesses to use a search engine. Thanks
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi hakim

    great response from puneet. my 2 cents are...

    1. first do the segmentation, targeting and positioning of ur brand. which segment u want to tap into and make ur product or brand for that segment.

    in this regard u undertake a research to find out the usage pattern and requirments to further enhace ur product/brand.

    2. what is ur usp, what makes ur brand or product better than other search engines.

    once u have done the above 2 tasks then u just communicate with ur intended segment. u need to understand the need of the segment thoroughly. if necessary do a research on the usage pattern and existing search engines used currently.

    the communication will center around your usp and the bebefits the business will get thats not provided by other se. provide numerical figures as well as ease of use to drive ur case.

    also you need to keep on adding new features based on the emerging needs and usage pattern of ur segment customers.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted by Alireza Mojahedi on Accepted
    You need to adverties what you find in your researches.
    By this Ad. you can make a big need in your targer market.
    Point direct to some of the things you find in your advertisement.

    Direct Mail or EMail advertisement or one small ad in Mags are depends on type of your markets.


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