
Topic: Strategy

Need Nutrition Label And Alcohol Testing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Does anyone have any contacts, or know of a reputed "Nutrition Label Testing" facility? I need food tested, and regulation labels printed.

Also, need to find "Alcohol Content Testing" for food products.


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  • Posted by Corpcommer on Accepted
    Hi, Randall! Long time no chat.

    While I don't know anyone to recommend, I did some research for you and found links that might lead you to some contacts.

    Nutrition Data provides analysis for food or recipes - (free registration)

    Randall, these next 3 links came from the medical website

    Food Testing Garden State Laboratories, Inc.

    rtech laboratories food chem, micro, nutrition testing sensory & pilot plant services

    Consumer Product Testing Global Laboratory network offering Testing, inspection & certification


    US Government site:

    Nutrition & Food Science Links (definitely look at this one, Randall):

    Randall, let me know if any of these help you.


  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I have a client who works in the Bio-Tech side of the world. If you dont come up with anything, drop me a line and I will go to her for a recommendation.

  • Posted by The Radial Group on Member
    1) A clarifying question: do you mean a lab that analyzes food or other substances to verify their nutritional content, usually in order to prepare the data for an FDA-required nutrition label?

    2) Can you describe a little bit more about the reason you need it (w/o breaching client confidentiality, of course)? I may be able to suggest less expensive or faster alternatives with a little more info.

    Feel free to email me directly if you wish.

    Leslie Nolen
    The Radial Group
    Business know-how for the health & wellness community

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