
Topic: Strategy

Marketing The Grand Opening At Our Plant Nursery

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for a chain of independently owned plant nurseries. Our newest store opened in December. We had a soft opening but next month we're going to have a week long grand opening for that store and will celebrate it at the other stores with balloons and banners and specials, etc.

Here's the problem: I need to do something to draw people in from the street at the new store. It's a rather small store in terms of square footage, but here's my plan for right now.

On a Saturday in late March:
- Have a bluegrass band play in front of the store
- Have a chef come in and do a salad demo and then have specials on salad plants.
- Offer a gift bag free to every 10th customer
- Give away soil, seed and fertilizer samples

For the week before that Saturday
- Create some co-op advertising with local businesses for opening week giveaways
- Create Bag stuffers and have lots of balloons, banners
- Community sponsorship event. We will sponsor a local school garden and try to take advantage of PR it will create.
- Some newspaper advertising and direct mail

I'd still like to see something that really, truly draws people right off the street ... any other suggestions?? I feel like these ideas are slightly boring.

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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    The ideas are fine, but think the gift bag to every 10th customer would be a logistic nightmare. I may be missing something but can you see the 11th guy in line?

    One idea I did for a local conference is we had schools (or any community group) take a project to "green" up the city. They could do anything they wanted, but most entrants cleaned up an empty lot and planted gardens in vacant areas. They made presentation boards on their projects that were displayed during certain events, and we had judges determine best entries.

    Get your vendors to participate in raffle items and seminars.

    Hope that helps, Carol
    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by MajorHal on Member
    Hi Elizabeth,
    I'm with Carol on the 10th customer gift bag nightmare.

    One of the biggest draws in our area to get people off the street is have a radio station remote broadcast from your location. We have one that also has a weenie wagon. They give away free hot dogs and soda to those who come into the store. The suppliers of the hot dogs & soda get free air time, no cost for you, and people will cross into hell to get a free hot dog. I've seen it!

    Also, as Carol stated, get your vendors to kick in for give aways or pop for some of the radio time.
    Good luck,
  • Posted by NovaHammer on Member
    Try teaming up with local auto dealer for Truck Test Drive contest - each test drive gets a ballot to win a lease for a year etc or 12 winners of 1 month each.

    I think you want those with disposable income not just kids for burgers and balloons!!?

  • Posted by Phoenix ONE on Accepted
    Interesting scenario and a fun project:

    I would seek out the local Weber BBQ dealer, let him setup a Grill and bring in Weber Rep and offer BBQ tips and cooking advice. Have a morning and afternoon raffel (co-op with the local dealer, Weber and Your Nursery) for a set of cooking tools (?) and a nursery item.

    Spring is Here, and {our name} Nursery is HOT - Tee shirts, Balloons, promo items

    Since people are thinking spring and plantings and BBQ's convey its time to think outdoors it is a nice synergistic effect -

    We used Weber with another client (paint store) and the turnout was fantastic -

    You could also offer at the same time demos on Spring, Planting tips, Salad Prep Tips -

    TAG it,
    Winters Over, Spring is HERE, and Our Nursery is Cooking, from Grilling to Blooming,

    Use the ballons and do a direct mail to local homes, ads in local paper and you are guaranteed to have your own "hot event"

    Best of Luck & Happy Marketing ~
  • Posted on Author
    All of these answers were really terrific... I just posted my question on a lark and was thrilled to receive so many thoughtful, articulate comments. Many, many thanks to all who responded. Marketing is such a tricky business, I appreciate your help.


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