
Topic: Strategy

How Do I Advise A Group In The Development And Implementation

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
How do I advise a group in the development and implementation of a marketing strategy to increase its profile and work level in a particular field?
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    One way would be to get specific suggestions from this forum - but we will need a lot more info (what type of work, what field, etc.) The more details you can provide, the more helpful info you will receive.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Sorry to be late in getting back - did you already have the interview?

    If not, what is your objective? Do you want the most efficient result, or do you want to get the job?

    In an ideal world, the answer will be the same. But in the real world, and as a practical matter, the answer will be quite different.

    Let's assume you want to get the job or project. Who are you interviewing with - a senior partner at the law firm? Then you probably need to stress building on networking and personal connections - because that's the way he built the business, and he or she does not believe in all that marketing stuff anyway. (It will help if you have references from some folk he or she knows).

    Are you interviewing with a Marketing person at the law firm? You might stress metrics and ROI, since they are getting hammered on this every day.

    Are you interviewing with a senior partner of an ad agency? Then you need to bring a creative portfolio showing variety of creative options.

    Is this actually for a professor at a university? Then you need to do the work for him or her - create a general purpose tool they can use themselves in their consulting business on the side.

    Are you interviewing with an aggressive junior partner at the law firm? Then you might want to research the fastest growing of your competition, and present a concise short-term oriented program.

    Are you interviewing with a young and growing marketing firm? Then you may need to stress your organizational ability, and your ability to research topics and create a flexible and actionable plan.

    Good luck in all your interviews.

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