
Topic: Other

Book About Selling Strategies For B2b

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello: I'm just starting my sales career in order to grow my own company. We create content for the internal communications of big companies in my country, by using internet technologies (blogs, podcasts, et) . I bought a couple of books about selling iwriten by this famous guy Zig Ziglar. He explain very well some selling principles like need analysis, objections, "ask for the order" , etc. But his examples are related to the old economy: selling cars, insurance, cookware, enciclopedias and socks. So can anyone recommend me a book, blog or website that focus on teaching how to sell in the B2B enviroment, specially the type of service I sold which has do with technology? Please notice that I did NOT mention selling by using the internet. Even though, my service uses internet, my selling proccess involves a lot of face to face, specially because every client has his/her own needs and budget. Thanks to all who can help me with this. SANTIAGO
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  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    I attended a webinar by Steve Martin, the author of Heavy Hitter Selling. I haven't read the book, but found a lot of value in the webinar, and the book is on my "to buy" list.
  • Posted on Member
    Gitomer also has a website

    Good place to start
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    I would highly recommend, "How to make friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie.

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