
Topic: Strategy

Has Anyone Ever Used The 4x4 Marketing Method?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I would like some feed back about the 4X4 method mentioned on I am thinking about starting a campaign but cannot find any market research on it. It sounds like it would work but I would love to hear from anyone who has tried it or even what you think of trying it.

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    I had never heard of the technique under this name. Obviously it's a bit gimmicky. But marketing and ad agencies have been doing similar things for ever.

    I've always heard the axiom that it takes 7 contacts to make an impression. But it depends how powerful each individual contact is, I suppose. I know I've made sales on an initial contact with no previous dialogue with the prospective buyer.

    Where's the downside in giving it a shot?

    Depends what you sell, I guess, and the sense of humour of the target recipient. I'd think twice if I sold caskets to funeral homes.

    Let us know how it goes. It sounds like a bit of fun.

    Good Luck

  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Member
    So Annita, do you really think gimmicks like this work. The idea of picking a select group of targets is a good one, but I think giving them something they can use to help them do a better job and showing your value would work a lot better. That is unless you are selling jokes. (:-)

    One thing that is funny is that the person who owns the url and web site is also named Annita. Is this an early April fools joke (:-)
  • Posted on Member
    Ditto, depends on what you are selling. I don't know if I would give my time to someone who has time to do the 4x4 as you have described it.

    I don't think the gimmicks would work with larger companies, most executives would either trash it or give it to their assistant to dispose of and would not remember it or give it another thought.

    the companies I deal with give you 15 seconds or less to get to the point, no time for gimmmics.

    On the other hand, perhaps local small time outfits would be impressed...

    Also your website has a few typo's.

    Good Luck

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