
Topic: Other

What Stops You Answering A Question On This Forum?

Posted by Anonymous on 1500 Points
Gidday all.

I'm curious to learn from the various contributors and readers of the forum what sorts of things prevent you from answering a question that is posed on the forum?

It seems to me that the idea of posing a question is the perfect example of 'marketing'. You want someone to take action based on your 'pitch' to them.

In this instance the 'pitch' is a request for someone to take action that helps you and we start off with a headline called a question and in that question hope to make a sale (get an answer).

For me a few things that might prevent me from moving beyond the headline:
1. The headline itself (the question) is poorly worded or not clear.
2. I've seen the same headline hundreds of times before and so have less interest in trotting out the same answer
3. There is NO email address or contact details of the question answerer - how can I develop a relationship when the person asking the question wants to be so impersonal?
4. Lack of time/lack of points/other incentives etc

There you go, I've listed a few and you might also agree with them and have additional ones. So please consider and advise me, what sort of things prevent the question sale from being acted upon by the answering buyer?

Marcus :-)
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  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted
    I have only one criterion.

    If the question interests me and I think I have something to add to others comments I will make comments. Unfortunately most of the questions seem to revolve around slogans and business names. I try to avoid these.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted

    1) If the grammar is bad. I understand the global nature of this forum, but there are free translation services on the net. Plus, there's no guarantee my answer will be understood.

    2) If I lack expertise and my answer would be "booky"


    Probably more but these are top 3

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    in marketing as in life the problems don't come to us in clear, concise ways. Therefore to expect for people to always be clear and concise is not a prerequisite for me to answer the question.

    Mbarber, to actually be honest with you the only questions I have ever been turned off by here on Marketingprofs are the ones where students who should be digging for the nuggets and principles of marketing expect others to do the digging for them. I totally see this as more of a problem of laziness than a problem of ignorance.

    When we are ignorant of either the details, knowledge or the experiences of others I believe an answer is necessary to bring clarity.

    I have generally always answered your questions Mbarber because you appear to me to be a man of deep thought and concern for others. So when I'm on the forum and I know you are asking a question I already believe there is a definitive reason for your question and that makes me want to answer it... even if I don't understand where the question is coming from because you are asking it I am compelled to at least try to answer your question.

    Most people on Marketingprofs feel like they have to understand all the details in order to express themselves completely but herein lies the problem.

    Many of us come from different cultural settings and how we see the world is going to be different. If I could tell you about all the idioms in other cultures that baffled me in the beginning before someone from that culture explained it we wouldn't have time.

    And when I say cultural differences I mean in the broadest sense not to be limited by race or color but there are many Cultures...Harley Davidson riders are a culture, Lui Vitton handbags are a culture. And these cultures break the petty dynamics of race and color.

    So people on this forum need to get real if they expect the questions to come to them in a way that they percieve they should. Many businesses lose customers for this same reason because they are afraid to come out of their shell and get into the shell of their client. My desire is to become my customer so that I can see what they see and feel what they feel.

    Seriously, life is full of impartial pictures and unclear scenarios. The people who have the ability to take the unclear and bring clarity or understanding to it often make the most money and in my book are the most sought out for their opinions or advice.

    This inspires me!

    If anyone on this forum would like my answer to a question and I have not offered an answer please send me an email because I know you consider my advice worthy of your time. And because of that I will find a way even if it is the middle of the night to get you an answer because you are important to me and your questions deserve to be answered. Be Blessed!

    and REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance

  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    For me...

    1. the question is so broad that a semi-quick answer is not possible. I might respond with question/request to clarify though.
    2. For students, I will only respond with questions to get them thinking or areas which I suggest they research more.
    3. Points aren't much incentive to me, but they're nice to have. I get more gratification out of sharing ideas and reading others' feedback. I feel I've learned a lot.
    4. If the poster hasn't taken any time to think about their question, or type it correctly (I hate text message- type questions!), or if they're rude, I often don't respond.
    5. And of course, if I dont' know enough to answer I just don't.
  • Posted by lrmarroquin on Accepted
    I agree with all above points, specially when I foresee a poor dialog in it, mostly in the cases where a "Do my Homework" or "Do my work" is posted.

    Usually lack of time/lack of points/other incentives usually can be surpassed when a good question title and thread of responses shows a chance to learn or serve others.

  • Posted by prerna.arvind on Accepted
    *Lack of expertise- if i cannot add value or make a meaningful contribution

    *when the question itself runs to pages -when the author fails to make his/her point and is ambiguous.

    *No feedback or acknowledgement from the author

  • Posted on Accepted
    I usually don't answer if I really have no experience or opinion on the subject.

    I want to give the best, shortest, relevant answer I can and add humor if possible and try to keep it interesting.

    I leave it up to the asker to determine the value of the response, I don't always have to be right or have to have an answer accepted. I an grateful to have the opportunity to contribute and be among true experts!

    Great question

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Marcus,

    good additional input and I'll try to answer your question below.

    When you put in a lot of effort to answer a question and feel that you have provided some quality advice, how do you feel when you don't get acknowledged for that effort (either through acceptance or feedback from the question asker)?

    Well Marcus, way, way back in the Marketinprofs days when I didn't have enough points for any recognition at all it was very motivating to see one's acceptance by a question asker get acknowedged. I must say though (for me) it was even more dissappointing to not get questions answered and to have people actually state why they weren't going to answer it right on your post (I thought how rude in the beginning) but now I just laugh at it all.

    Often people have not liked either the length of my questions, and when I ask them at short lengths the playfulness of my questions is not appreciated or even the creative challege may ask too much for a Marketing forum and other aspects I'm sure I'll never know... with all of this I am not offended and totally open to how other people see and view the world.

    Because of my artistic side (degree in ART) and my analytical side (degree in ACCOUNTING) I'm a rare bird. That's why I'm attracted to past people and events like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Benjamin Franklin, Einstein, George Washington Carver, Edison and a host of other rare birds. I was just born with a different temperment than most (the creative/analytical). So my perspectives can be joined together in ways most would dare not consider. So I've adjusted my temperment to be more open to understanding how others are.

    And to conclude that's why I'm less concerned about acceptance of questions and more concerned about how others ---"See It"--- even if it's only a few people that respond or a smaller group that acknowledge my input.

    Having VOICE is so much more important than always having acceptance. Read the 8th Habit by Stephen Covey and you'll appreciate what I'm saying. Most humans are afraid to have VOICE because they are more concerned about acceptance or acknowledgement or even more importantly justification from others. A great deal of them have had their VOICES silenced, muted or just not acknowledged at all. Many are still seeking belongingness according to Abraham Maslow on his "Needs Hierarchy". But there are things so much more important than belonging I assure you as I have examined and cross examined this strange world we live in called earth.

    There are more stranger parallels and paradoxes than many want to see, so they LOOK without "SEEING" thwarting their own visions by what they thought they knew when their views are all colored by every single experience they have ever had in their lives. They struggle when their INNER VISION and their VOICE does not align with others instead of accepting that for once they've caught hold of examining the same things as others and acknowledging that there really is a different lense in which to look at this thing that does allow me to see something so much richer. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I agree with much of which has been written above...

    I believe there are two related issues which could be addressed but would require just a bit of programming.

    1) regarding time - many questions are opened, responded to, and closed within a day or two. This means that very busy folk are excluded from the discussion. I would prefer to see a minimum amount of time that a question must remain open (e.g. a week) so that busy folk can schedule weekly time (e.g. a few hours on a weekend, or Monday AMs, or Friday PMs) and effectively participate in discussions. After all, I'm MOST interested in reading comments from the MOST busy people - and I'm less interested in comments from folks who have nothing better to do.

    2) I have seen some excellent contributors come, and go, and I believe part of the issue is that they realize how hard it would be to break into the top 25. I'd like to see a second column, e.g. the top 25 experts over the past 2 months. This way, new enthusiasts can be "rewarded" for their inputs, while we continue to recognise folks who have supported the forum for years.

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