
Topic: Research/Metrics

Research Metrics On Widgets

Posted by A-Lux on 125 Points
Does anyone have any research metrics on widgets and their penetration?

Thank you, Ani
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  • Posted by wnelson on Member

    Widgets are a "place holder" for an imaginary product used to help demonstate a point in a class. Widgets can be anything and have any characteristic and generally don't have characteristics that are like any known product. It's just an invented "product" for your class.

    I hope this helps.

  • Posted by A-Lux on Author
    Thank you for your responses. I know what widgets are and am just trying to find the level of penetration or if either consumers or businesses find them important or valuable.

    I have seen data that shows that a lot of people use them, I was just looking for scale data - or perception of their value in the eyes of the market.

    I have the Mckinsey report as well and they don't mention widgets there. I guess I can infer from what they have that the top 3 Web 2.0 tools are:

    1) Web Services
    2) Peer to peer networks
    3) Collective intelligence

    Thank you again for your responses.

  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Dear Ani

    I have to say that when I first read this question, I thought that you had posted it four days too late.

    Can we be utterly clear about your nomenclature? Are you referring to the minority definition of a Widget, which is a trade term for a useful or interesting piece of software which can be used as a promotional marketing item? Or are you referring to the on-screen manipulability graphics associated with Coral?

    Or what?!

    It is understandable that other posters have offered rather standard answers as the minority definition you might want information about, and the market penetration thereof is that of a product which is either months old or a couple of years old.

    If it is the software gizmo, I would recommend the link Vevolution has offered to Clearspring – I have a similar UK client who has 10th of their scale and they havn’t a clue as to their own market penetration. The idea is that new.

    On the other hand, you could always ask J Doe, CEO of the Acme Manufacturing Company. As they own the copyright on the word, “Widget” they or their lawyers really ought to know!

    Best wishes

    Steve Alker
    Unimax Solutions
  • Posted by steven.alker on Member
    Oh - I nearly forgot - there are 85 references to widgets on the forum - some of them are for the clever stuff. Some are utilising the generic term. Worth a look though!


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