
Topic: Other

New Job, Book Advice

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I just accepted a new position as a Media Specialist and I’m looking for some good books to read that will help me in this new career.

Listed below is a description of my new job:

Responsible for the development, coordination, media placement and field distribution of radio, print and television advertising materials, including brochures and bill inserts. Focused issues include the promotion of natural gas and electricity, along with image, safety, new and current programs and community development advertising.

1. Create and coordinate the production of radio, television and print advertising including copy writing. (10%)
2. Organize, negotiate and schedule cost of media purchases and verify and monitor those transactions. (10%)
3. Develop, propose and implement the company's annual media plan. (5%)
4. Coordinate, schedule and monitor budget of marketing's advertising promotions. (10%)
5. Organize and coordinate the message, design and scheduling of monthly bill inserts. (10%)
6. Develop, coordinate and promote safety mascot program. (10%)
7. Serve on Advertising Review Committee (ARC) to ensure advertising quality control. Also assist in writing and implementing advertising policies and standards. (5%)
8. Prepare and deliver presentations concerning advertising issues to company executives and field personnel. (5%)
9. Develop materials to support promotion of the company's branding and image building. (5%)
10. Collaborate with Corporate Communications and outside consultants to design and produce advertising materials. (15%)
11. Analyze effectiveness of company’s advertising and promotions as well as major competitors. (5%)
12. Create marketing materials including brochures and sales tools to promote new products and programs. (10%)

Any advice will be greatly appreciated, thanks!!

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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hi Iduro,

    I hope you're having a great day and a wonderful life.

    I'm going to quickly recommend some books for you but then come back and chime in on why you need to focus where you need to focus...Okay? Thanks.

    These are the following books (and more to come).

    Stephen Covey, Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

    Ben Mack, THINK Two Products Ahead

    Roy Young, Allen Weiss, David Stewart, Marketing Champions

    These are just to get you started. I've got to go into a very important meeting regarding my next speaking engagement with a big client. Thanks. REMEMBER... our only real problem in life is our failure to be "MORE Creative" than we’ve ever been. If you “Invent” your opportunity YOU WILL most definitely create your future. I'm only an email away from you if you need my help.

    Is there anything else I can do for you? You know it is.

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Hi Iduro,

    hear are some more books you should lay your head on and absorb underneath your pilliow.

    Seth Godin, All Marketers Are Liars

    Charlie Decker, Winning with the PG 99

    Jay Abraham, Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got

    Yes, I buy a lot of books off of AMAZON but I've been blessed to be invited into a special circle of book critics while I've been I recommend their place to buy the books.

    Now on with what I have to say to you and may you grow from great words because you were born to be Great! But... "Be careful not to destroy the Old Foundation".

    Every organization regardless how inexperienced the employees may seem, have one advantage that you should gain EVERY SINGLE TIME you have an LISTEN! Yes listen to them closely, watch what they do, do what works and GAIN knowledge of their Practical Experiences.

    At all cost...ALWAYS ***Be AMAZED*** and never grow tired of listening to "THE VOICE OF EXPERIENCE".

    You might be amazed at how much a good fundamental sales person or a Good administrative person can teach you about marketing. I've even learned marketing from watching children who have no formal education at all let alone in the area of marketing. Always be diligent in being a student.

    While your fellow employees may not possess all the use of the right words or terminology what they do have is invaluable. Please feel free to read the words from the books I've shared. Don't believe the authors until you've had a chance to actually practice what they write about. A matter of fact don't believe a word I'm saying until you've proved it for yourself. But if what they teach you WORKS then use it and ***Work it*** like Magic! ""Presto-Change-O"" and if you humbly use what you've learned the company WILL GROW. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant,

    Deremiah *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    *Caring Promotes Exuberance

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