
Topic: Research/Metrics

Need Help On Research Topic

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
me, anchana is a marketing student and i'm presently doing a summer internship program. i'm doing it in an automation company [B2B]. i am thinking of something related to relationship marketing. any other topic is also acceptable. plz post your suggestions.

thanks in advance
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  • Posted on Member
    Why not do a study on Branding Needs for B2B companies?
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    An idea: how to measure the effectiveness of relationship marketing.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Without knowing how big the company is and what resources you may have, it is difficult to suggest a project of about 12 to 14 weeks. However, something that I would appreciate as a VP of marketing would be to
    1. Understand how our brand is perceived by the customers we have, the customers we have lost, and the customers we would like to have.
    2. Who do our customers consider our strongest competitor?
    3. What do our customers see as our(or our competitor's if they are stronger) differential advantage?
    4. Is there something our customers need that neither our competitor or we have not addressed? could this be our new differential advantage? Can we get more money for it?

    If you can do this in 12 weeks, you will have provided tangible value.
  • Posted on Author
    thank you everybody for your valuable responses

    i will be doing the project on the topic the effectiveness of customer retention strategies and also a competitive analysis for the company based on the suggestions provided by Mr. John, thanq very much
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I have 29 years of experience in the Automation Business. Contact me through my profile if i can be of service to you during your internship..

    Frank Hurtte

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