
Topic: Strategy

Franchise Owner Needs To Convince That Marketing Is Worthwhile

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a franchise owner who needs to convince franchisees to kick in more money for a national marketing effort. Have to show that a stronger brand can help them at the local level by increasing reputation and therefore sales. My franchisees are businessmen, but not really adept at marketing so I need some numbers/data to help sell them on this. Can anyone help?
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  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Here are several good franchisee advertising articles from

    best of luck
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Ask them if they think McDonald's, Hallmark, Taco Bell, etc are succesful franchises. Then ask them if they did it without national marketing campaigns.

    In other words, use examples and analogies to get the point across. Show them how competitors are using marketing to get ahead of them too.

    A good marketing campaign can work wonders (and get your inital investment back in a matter of months if done correctly).

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Member

    Here is an article from Automotive News that discusses how the value of Cadillac dealerships are skyrocketing now that marketing and product promotion have people excited.

    You might need to register to read the article.

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